Is any negative comments of a referee's performance acceptable on social media?


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Having been accused of being a bully when trying to advise a younger colleague not to comment on the performance of a referee on social media, I'm now wondering if there is any acceptable 'criticism' that can be posted on social media.

I was always under the impression that it went against the referee's code of conduct but I was quoted free speech etc.
A&H International
Personally I wouldnt be doing it. We have a hard enough job without turning on our own! Also it is SOOOOO much easier on the sidelines to see those really obvious decisions, but in reality we know when in the middle it isnt ever that simple.
FA Guidance:

Following the recent increase of cases that relate to Social Networking sites, we would like to issue this memo, as a reminder to all participants, that any comment they make which is offensive, threatening, violent or that is deemed to have brought the game into disrepute will result in action being taken against them by the County FA.

To clarify a participant is a player, referee, coach, parent, spectator, club official or any other individual who has an active involvement with football. Participants are responsible for any comments or posts that are associated with their account.
Clubs and Leagues are responsible for all content of their own websites & accounts, and if comments cannot be traced back to an individual, the club or league will be held accountable for these.

Several serious charges have been raised against individuals and clubs in the last 6 months; please ensure all members are educated on this subject.

Read more at http://www.devonfa.com/clubs-and-leagues/social-networking-guidance#BEhUVBUYP8MCM3ab.99

I know of a referee personally who has been suspended for making such comments as above
Christ, "freedom of speech"!!
Right up there with "data protection act" under the headline Terms used by people that don't understand them.
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Bear in mind that forums also constitute social media.

Referees shouldn't be making disparaging remarks about other referees, especially not publicly. But we should be able to dissect the performance of televised referees.
There is a difference between criticism and abuse.

Abuse must not be tolerated, criticism is part of the job....the sooner referees, and the FA, learn the difference and accept it instead of trying to make referees untouchable, the better.

I'm not talking 'on the field' only about social media comments.

I have been criticised on social media and chose not to report it as it wasn't abusive and was just an opinion....even if it was wrong.
I have also had abusive comments made about me on social media, which got reported and the perpetrators suffered the consequences.

The FA do not, and never will, control someone's opinion, and providing it is expressed in a reasonable manner should not be looking to sanction for it.
Especially not when they cannot deal with the abusive behaviour of our elite players!
Constructive criticism is fine, but personally I would address it to the referee in question, not on social media.
be very wary about any comments on social media i made a comment on facebook a colleague, who i considered a friend lol ,reported me to my referee accociation and i got loads of trouble, trust no one