Is this unsporting behaviour?


New Member
So today I had a game in which an incident happened that I haven't seen or heard about before.

It was Orange v Blue, and the Oranges were winning 3-1 with 5 minutes to go. A long ball forward from the Blue team came to rest at the feet of the Orange GK. She kept the ball at her feet until pressured by a Blue forward. The keeper kneeled down and put her hands towards the ball as if she was going to pick it up, so the Blue player retreated. The keeper didn't however pick the ball up, and stood back up with it at her feet. The Blue attacker then pressed again, and the exact same thing happened. It then happened again for a 3rd time, and on the 4th occasion she eventually picked the ball up.

The coaches from the Blue team were appealing that she wasn't allowed to do that, however as she didn't actually touch the ball with her hands prior to it, I allowed play to go on.

Is this perfectly acceptable, or would there have been a case for awarding an Indirect free-kick to the Blue team for unsporting behaviour, or any other reason for that matter?
A&H International
I can't see any grounds for USB. The Blue forward didn't need to retreat - the GK is not controlling with hands and the forward can challenge for the ball.
Stupid from the keeper. If the attacker and the keeper touched the ball simultaneously then I wouldn't be calling a free kick.
Nothing illegal. It's the sort of activity that's asking for a sneaky elbow to the gut later down the track though :p
It's definitely USB!!

Unusually stupid behaviour from the striker. As for the keeper, no laws broken, get on with the game. [\spoiler]
Ball still in play, so nothing wrong with it.

Forward should be smarter than that, should be getting close enough to ensure the keeper has no choice but to pick it up.
Thanks guys, I was certain I had made the right call awarding nothing and playing on. Just wanted to double check.