It was nice while it lasted...

I now have a schools middle (They have 15 fixtures on their web site btw) next Saturday and a Womens Level 3 friendly line next Sunday.
A&H International
I am confused by the catering situation in those grounds able to reopen. "Takeaway" is being defined as "Can only be consumed away from the stadium". This will be a deciding point re possible profit as to whether clubs re-open, and seems odd - if you buy food at a takeaway in a shopping centre you can eat it in the shopping centre, yet this latest instruction re grounds seems at odds with that?
I am confused by the catering situation in those grounds able to reopen. "Takeaway" is being defined as "Can only be consumed away from the stadium". This will be a deciding point re possible profit as to whether clubs re-open, and seems odd - if you buy food at a takeaway in a shopping centre you can eat it in the shopping centre, yet this latest instruction re grounds seems at odds with that?
Agreed. Riddickledonk
I am confused by the catering situation in those grounds able to reopen. "Takeaway" is being defined as "Can only be consumed away from the stadium". This will be a deciding point re possible profit as to whether clubs re-open, and seems odd - if you buy food at a takeaway in a shopping centre you can eat it in the shopping centre, yet this latest instruction re grounds seems at odds with that?
Takeaway is defined as "can only be consumed away from the establishment".

The difference between a shopping centre and a stadium is that in a shopping centre, the shops selling the food are NOT the same as the shopping centre, so it can be within the shopping centre which is a different "business", whereas (typically), the places selling food in a stadium are part of the same establishment, so it must be consumed away from the "business"
IIRC stands for 'If I recall correctly'
Possibly some schools but my school hasn’t had any football as they’re told we aren’t even allowed in year group training but we are allowed it in PE lessons although a school near me played in a National final a few weeks ago but weren’t allowed to train for it
Schools football:

Sport in a school setting has been allowed throughout lockdown 2. However, no interschool fixtures (ie, those between schools) could take place (and the big competitions, ESFA, ISFA etc have been on hold)

However, internal school fixtures have been allowed and played, so I have refereed a few internal games, eg our 15‘s v our 16s.

We have our first post lockdown inter school game on Wednesday, a friendly in advance of an ESFA semi-final a week on Monday (a semi-final from last season’s competition that is still ongoing)
Cheers for that Jef, do you have a link to show that school football is allowed please?
Yep. FA aren't ruling out finishingeague on a PPG system.
They won't void this year. They want to implement new structure. The clubs that struggle all year and then bring in a load of ringers to save the day will be done for.

This is what we have had today from the League and from CFA:
Dear All

Please find below a brief report from last night’s FA Zoom meeting with Step 5/6 leagues from around the country, believe me when I say we are actually in a better position that our colleagues with large numbers of clubs in Tier 3!

Below that is the formal decision of the SWP Board which has been approved overnight and is particularly aimed at Tier 2 clubs, for now that is 18 of the East sides, but at a future review (next Govt says is on 16/12) that could be more or less clubs and affect either division.

Meeting main points:

  1. FA not ruling out counting the season on a mathematical formula, PPG, but this is still to be confirmed, as would any conditions either PER league or across ALL NLS leagues and the percentage of games needed to be played etc
  2. Players & Bona fide officials (inc Match Officials) can travel in, and out, of all three tiers, but SPECTATORS cannot travel into, or out of Tier 3
  3. FA are exploring possibility of allowing more, maybe upto 500, fans in Tiers 1 & 2 – but this is subject to DCMS and NO date for this, PLEASE assume it’s still 300 until informed otherwise, especially when planning Festive local derbies.
  4. The same applies regarding the possibility of having 5, rather than 3, substitutes. The FA are looking at it, but as it would require national changes to Standardised rules no timescale, clubs are again advised to assume it remains 3 subs unless informed otherwise.
  5. NO spectators are allowed at grounds in Tier 3 – Huge issue for many clubs, does not directly concern us today, but if we move Up rather than down tiers.
  6. The DCMS 14 Million pounds has not been allocated to budgets and its expected that the vast majority, upto 80%, is going to be in loans, the FA are also not expecting full details and allowing applications until the New Year
  7. Take-Away – maybe for food and hot drinks, but certainly for alcohol take-away means take OFF the premises, so you can’t see cans in the tea hut to be consumed in the ground. Further guidance from the FA recd this morning below:
  8. The FA position is to refer to this guidance and if specific clarity is required a club should do so through their local authority : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/restaurants-offering-takeaway-or-delivery
  9. The FA made it clear that each league has to make its own decisions about whether to play on, postpone, delay or any conditions thereof, the SWP board remain committed to consulting with clubs wherever possible.

GOING FORWARD - The problem is that clubs in Tier 2 CAN play, CAN travel etc - BUT if they rely on clubhouse income then there are issues about if that’s sustainable – and remember although we are talking Devon now, in 2 weeks it could be Cornwall, so it has to be a rule that suits all.

  1. This applies for the period covering games on Saturday 5th & 12th December initially
  2. If a HOST club in Tier 2 feels they are unable to afford to stage matches they can apply to Postpone their home game by given written notice to the league secretary NO later than 48 hours before the fixture (eg Thurs 3rd & 10th December)
  3. On Weds 16th December the Govt will review the Tiers, if Devon goes into Tier 1 then this scheme stops, but if it continues in Tier 2 it will be extended. For Clubs in Cornwall, if on 16th December they are placed in Tier 2 then they would join the scheme and have until Thursday 17th Dec to postpone games on the 19th. Christmas games in any division would have to be postponed by Weds 23rd December, by 3pm at the latest.
  4. The league board, as per previous decision, will undertake a full review in January allowing for the board to ballot or consult with clubs about how to conclude the season, termination, extensions and fixture schedules as appropriate.

SECRETARIES NOTE: The 48 hours regulation is the LATEST, quite happy to receive notification you do not wish to host games much earlier, in fairness to Referees and Opponents and potential spectators, the more notice the better!

Finally, this again shows that this situation is far from over, we are all doing our best and the board appreciate the tremendous difficulties clubs and their officers & volunteers are in, Rest assured all clubs efforts are appreciated and we are only sorry that we can’t bring you happier news!

Kindest Regards

Was due to have my first line on the Western League next week. Can't see it restarting until the New Year
Was due to have my first line on the Western League next week. Can't see it restarting until the New Year

If it doesn't restart now it won't restart at all in my opinion. Virus rates and load on the NHS won't decrease until Winter is over so I can't see these restrictions going away any time soon. Add into the mix the Christmas removal of restrictions it looks to everyone like January will be the most locked down month of all.
Inter schools wasn't allowed but is now apparently (Tier 2 btw - no idea if that makes any difference!)
Cheers Paul, guess the school didn’t want to do it then, I’ll see what they say after Christmas, mocks next 2 weeks so I’m not helping out for now!
I did a game before the latest lockdown and the home school was telling me that the league wasn't operating as some schools didn't want to travel so they were playing friendlies against other schools that were happy to continue. These are large public schools btw.
Yeah mines a 1700+ school, I wonder if it’s because they couldn’t get up to the COVID risk assessments etc
If it doesn't restart now it won't restart at all in my opinion. Virus rates and load on the NHS won't decrease until Winter is over so I can't see these restrictions going away any time soon. Add into the mix the Christmas removal of restrictions it looks to everyone like January will be the most locked down month of all.

I agree. If and when we go to tier 2 then that means paying fans and then I think we'll see see an immediate resumption. But with the ever present threat of returning to tier 3 the threat of the season not being finished is always there.
and the school game I mentioned has been cancelled by the School's Management board. Makes perfect sense as I estimate there would have been in excess of 200 people visiting the school (15 teams).

As its stands I have a level 3 Women's Friendly line this Sunday and an Under 18s County Cup middle the Sunday after ......at the moment!