Its good you can have a laugh

yep, agree completely. People are forgetting that the away team lent players to the home team - at that point, it's no longer a competition/league game, the home team has forfeited. So, it's just a friendly at that point (even if it was a comp game before). So at that point, what's it matter?
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A&H International
It sounds to me like this game was played like an exhibition game and the referee knew that he could get away with what he did. He did what he did to raise a smile from both teams and show a human side to a referee whilst knowing full well his actions would not effect anything by way of result, goal difference or anything else for that matter. Also nobody but him would of been aware that he blew up 45 seconds early, so as far as anyone else was concerned 90 minutes was up.

So why doesn't everyone just get down off their high horses and give the lad a break.
I seriously don't understand the amount of unfair criticism here for a game that the result was pre-determined and the team had made it clear they are playing the game to just have a bit of fun and have a lough. If he is appointed to one of these teams again in a serious game, he will go in with a good rapport and in all likelihood they will be more tolerant of his mistakes.

I have had similar games before and even got involved in play on the occasional instance (e.g the occasional cheeky intercept to pass the ball to the opponent). I await to be shut down in a similar way.

Referees are not heartless b@$t@1d$ some players make us out to be. Although reading this threat one can understand why they think that way. Showing your human side is not a bad thing so long as you understand your limits. For me the OP understood the limits for that game and acted within those limits but added to the enjoyment of everyone in the game.
In fairness, the poster didn’t actually tell anybody it was a friendly fixture and the result didn’t stand until post 49...
In fairness, the poster didn’t actually tell anybody it was a friendly fixture and the result didn’t stand until post 49...
In fairness, in the opening post he talks about one team lending players to the other - it's not a huge leap to suggest that the result might not be that important in that kind of match?
In fairness, in the opening post he talks about one team lending players to the other - it's not a huge leap to suggest that the result might not be that important in that kind of match?
Not necessarily. The Sunday league I sometimes officiate in has in the league rules that teams can ‘borrow’ up to 2 players from the opposition team if they have less than 7, and as long as the other team agree. Somebody above has already mentioned above that a verterans league they plan in also have loan forms to similar effect.

All I’m saying is that it’s worth citing details (such as it was a friendly and didn’t matter which is pretty key here) before moaning about the responses you get to not following the LOTG
In fairness, in the opening post he talks about one team lending players to the other - it's not a huge leap to suggest that the result might not be that important in that kind of match?
It's not a huge leap but it's assuming facts not in evidence, so not a given either. I think it might have been a quite different discussion if the OP had pointed out a little earlier, the rather relevant and mitigating factor that the result of the game had already been mandatorily fixed at 5-0, no matter what he did.

However I'd have to say that even if the pre-determined nature of the result meant that this decision didn't really affect the game in one sense, it still strikes me as a slightly mean-spirited thing to do. I coached youth teams for a couple of decades and my experience is that the players usually take every game seriously, even if it's ostensibly a 'friendly' match. Here we have a player who was about to score a hat-trick which at that age is probably an important achievement to them, no matter what the status of the game and the referee has deprived them of the chance for no other reason than to have a laugh at their expense. To me this smacks of what, in slightly different circumstances, is sometimes referred to as 'gotcha' refereeing and is something that for me, is best avoided.
Some kids need to learn what the word ‘failure’ means, too much smoke blown up their ar5e these days to affirm mediocrity! Too much nambypambyism if you ask me!

So true - my local youth league (One of top 10 in the country apparently) now don't have 'A' and 'B' teams - EVERY team (All age groups) now has 'red' or 'blue' after the name. I predict 'Premier', '1st', '2nd' division names will go next - you heard it here first!
To me this smacks of what, in slightly different circumstances, is sometimes referred to as 'gotcha' refereeing and is something that for me, is best avoided.
That is the whole point here. It's an obvious gotcha, everyone knew it is, but done for the right reasons. Its clear from the OP it's not done or perceived to be done to have a laugh at the player but to have a laugh with the player. It was fairly obvious nobody cared from what was described. A hat-trick, scored in a game, two against opponents and the last one against your own team, I doubt that would be any sort of achievement to tell your grandchildren about. If anything it will be the topic of conversation for a laugh only. Or the same sort of barging rights over your team mates when you score a goal against them at training.

Either I got this wrong or some of the forumites are taking this more seriously that what it actually was.