"I've never seen a ref do that before"


RefChat Addict
Finally got myself back in the middle yesterday. Lost my U18 game to the weather (again :mad:) but got a late call asking me to do a 9v9 (U12) game on a 4G pitch. There was a -5 windchill and I couldn't feel my hands or feet by the end, but it was fantastic to be back after almost two months.

Anyway, I arrived and did my pre-match checks as usual. As i was checking the nets, one of the coaches wandered over and said "this is professional ref, I've never seen a ref do that before". Really? I thought that was something that pretty much every ref does?

With it being U12, you get the odd girl playing. The home striker laughed when he saw he was up against a girl and told his teammates how easy it was going to be; he's probably climbing out of her pocket as I post. Brilliant! :D
A&H International
You're lucky man. Over here in the U.S., it's our offseason. I have to wait another 4 months before I get to ref again.
I use a pressure gauge to check the ball pressure. Always have. I can't tell just by squeezing it if its right. I know that she me can but I can't. One team on one of the leagues I do said last season " You are the only ref we know that uses a guage.". Surely I can't be the only one?
I turned up at my open age game on Sunday, and four different players were shocked that I was 'young' (I'm 27 ;)). First time reffing those particular teams but not my first time in that league.
I always pull the nets about. Makes me look like I roughly know what I'm doing! It's all smoke and mirrors!