Jose Mourinho praises Kevin Friend?

A&H International
Would you play an advantage in the penalty box like that however?

Match highlights below (advantage skip to 2:06)...

P.S: Apologies it's not quite the OP, however links to same situation!!;)
Would you play an advantage in the penalty box like that however?

Match highlights below (advantage skip to 2:06)...

P.S: Apologies it's not quite the OP, however links to same situation!!;)

Defiantly, I played a similar one at the weekend, clear foul in the penalty area, the ball dropped to an attacking team mate, he had two attempts after the first shot was blocked but put away the rebound and I signalled the advantage!
Hmm...not as keen...what if he misses and the team start 'asking' for the penalty...has he had his chance or are you going to give him one more from 12 yards out? Opens a whole can of worms that doesn't need to be IMO.

Only time I could ever see myself playing it is literally inside 6-yard box and is pulled down but still slots it home before I have time to blow up for any foul therefore advantage given and only a YC...otherwise far too difficult to manage, in terms of match-control, should he not capitalise on the advantage.
Hmm...not as keen...what if he misses and the team start 'asking' for the penalty...has he had his chance or are you going to give him one more from 12 yards out? Opens a whole can of worms that doesn't need to be IMO.

Only time I could ever see myself playing it is literally inside 6-yard box and is pulled down but still slots it home before I have time to blow up for any foul therefore advantage given and only a YC...otherwise far too difficult to manage, in terms of match-control, should he not capitalise on the advantage.

It's very simple, if the ball does not enter the goal, you award a penalty!
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I cannot see the opposing team just accepting that, given that he's already had a chance... I think you could avoid a lot of issues by awarding the penalty straight away IMHO. I know a few referees who have been slammed by assessors for advantage in the penalty area...
You blow the whistle after the hand ball in the video, remmy promptly smashes the ball in. "Where's the advantage ref?" Penalty is promptly saved just to make your situation worse! :)

It works either way.

You're are applying a wait and see approach rather than a true advantage. Advantage isn't called straight away.
I know a few referees who have been slammed by assessors for advantage in the penalty area...


Normally assessors love to see referees play cracking advantages, in the penalty area, I always wait a second or two to wait and see if there could be a possibility of an advantage, as Supermonkey says above, if they score as soon as you award you penalty you may as well have just dug your own grave!