The Ref Stop

Just joined.....


I'll Decide ...
Hello guys/ladies.
Only been a ref since 2012 and still enjoying it. Started out late as can be seen from my date of birth :D but glad to be here. :)
The Ref Stop
Welcome to the site, dont be shy to get stuck in!
i only passed my BRC last june at the tender age of 40, still learning though. Welcome to the asylum.
welcome to the nut house!

I passed my BRC at the very tender age of 14! ... been on and off for 10 years ... my god :confused:
Hey, you're my age! I've been around a bit longer (since 1987) but I've found age doesn't matter when picking up the whistle. If you enjoy it, there's still plenty of years ahead to continue doing so :)
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Welcome to the forum! Just a few things;
If you annoy @Ross or @SM they'll abuse admin powers and ban you ;);)
@Padfoot likes to annoy people :p
And don't be afraid to voice your opinion!
Most importantly enjoy!