The Ref Stop

Kicking the ball away


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Totally hypothetically here. If a player kicks the ball away in frustration but a ballboy, quick on the scene so his hero isn't booked, throws another ball on at the exact same time. Can the player still be booked for "delaying the restart of play"? Or would you recategorise the booking to "lack of respect for the game" or similar? Just recalling a few incidents from European TV games and wondered what you all thought.
The Ref Stop
Agree with SM. I raised the matter in an assessment. Player blasted the ball off the field but it bounced back off a tree. He still should have been cautioned.
Dissent is by word or action, not the end result of said word or action.

Action is kicking the a ball away - at that point the caution becomes live, the fact that it bounces back / is replaced is the end result of the situation.
Yup, for me its more about how the ball is kicked away rather than the actual action. So a player might blast it 80 yards away and someone else might only do it 5 yards. But its the intent for me, so would still be dishing out the yellow.
Good points, I agree with dissent by action. Had been bothering me what you'd put it down as. Cheers guys :)