Law test question

Sheff Ref

Level 6 Referee
The goalkeeper, using excessive force, strikes an opponent who is inside the goal, behind the goal line and off the field of play. The ball is in play. What decision should the referee make?

(a) The referee sends off the goalkeeper and play is restarted with a penalty kick.
(b) The referee sends off the goalkeeper and play is restarted with a dropped ball.
(c) The referee sends off the goalkeeper and play is restarted with an indirect free kick.
(d) None of the previous answers is correct.
My answer was (b) however www.areferee.com suggested the answer was (c).
A&H International
I only re-read that section yesterday so I knew the correct answer to that. Ask me again at the end of this season and I might not remember...

I only re-read that section yesterday so I knew the correct answer to that. Ask me again at the end of this season and I might not remember...


Never mind end of season - what about now (20 mins later) !?!?
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If the goalkeeper was mainly on the field of play and punches the player off the field does that count as leaving the field of play to commit an offence?
Yes. The foul is not committed on the field of play then -- IFK.

If a law test question does not give you sufficient information... deal with what you have only and make no leaps and assumptions.