Leagues within the Leeds area


New Member
Hi guys,
I'm just seeking a little bit of advice, I'm a level 5 referee that is at uni in Leeds. I'm looking at recommendations of what league to apply for next season on top of the BUCS I hope to continue from last year.
Last year I officiated on the Yorkshire Amateur League, which certainly served its purpose and would be a league I would always help out with but I feel if I'm going too continue to climb up the ladder working with NAR is absolutely pivotal, meaning it is something I seriously need to consider when selecting my league for next season. However, my modes of transport are extremely limited so I would have too look at a league that officials travel as a group of 3.
A&H International
West Yorkshire had three divisions, the premier division is a step 7 / supply league so L4 in the middle. The other divisions are referees by L5's to L7's.

If you want details PM me.
West Yorkshire had three divisions, the premier division is a step 7 / supply league so L4 in the middle. The other divisions are referees by L5's to L7's.

If you want details PM me.
And the other divisions don't have NARs. If you want to work with NARs with you as referee you need to consider the U19 and U21 leagues but these are geographically widespread requiring transport.

Contact Steve Rhodes or Mark Haywood, RDOs for West Riding for advice on 0113 282 1222 and select option 4.
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@BradTheRef - I misread your OP. As Brian says, I don't know of any league around Leeds with NAR that isn't a supply league.

The leagues don't have the number of officials available to offer this. As a L5, you will be doing matches with CAR for most of the season. Sorry