Leaving the field of play

A&H International
While I take your general point, that particular example is not petty - no player should be wearing a watch. It's dangerous.

I agree it was tiny it was more like a step counter type thing, tbh it was like the fifth time I’d had a player approach me during the game to notify me of a players hair, under shirt colour, sock colour ear stud etc then this watch type thing I was just sick of it.

I’ll be honest I didn’t do a jewrelly check b4 game maybe I should going forward.
Sunday league game this weekend I had the white player manager shout in my direction that his player had left the field and they only had 10 players on the pitch. Turns out the player left the pitch several minutes whilst the other team were on the attack due to injury leaving myself and his manager none the wiser. The other subs also said nothing. I told him at half time that he can't leave the field of play without permission and then his manager read him the riot act for leaving them short for a few minutes!

Also had the red manager come on to the FOP when a player was down (minor ankle injury and he was down for only a few seconds and said he was fine to continue). I blew the whistle to restart and only then noticed the red manager in the middle of the pitch with his sponge and water!

Lesson learnt!
I’ll be honest I didn’t do a jewrelly check b4 game maybe I should going forward.

I'm definitely not a 'strictly by the book' referee, but a jewellery check is important in my opinion because it affects player safety.

I couldn't care less about sock tape colour or undershorts. I usually mention it so that if next week's ref makes him remove the tape he knows, but at parks level you're lucky if they're all wearing the right colour socks. But jewellery and shin pads I check religiously.
Rather than line 22 fully grown adults up like children checking there necks fingers wrists etc for jewellery is there a place in the law where I could just brief them before the game that if I find jewrelly on them during the game then it’s a booking.

Wishful thinking I guess
Rather than line 22 fully grown adults up like children checking there necks fingers wrists etc for jewellery is there a place in the law where I could just brief them before the game that if I find jewrelly on them during the game then it’s a booking.

Wishful thinking I guess
Nope, not a chance I'm afraid. If you spot jewellery and they refuse to leave the field and take it off, you might have a case, but whipping a yellow out as soon as you see it is definitely not supported in law.
I thought as much, hasn’t been an issue upuntil Sunday, but it was every 10 mins someone picking up on an ear stud or so on.

It did piss me off tbh so I guess the only deterrent is to do a jewrelly check.
Nope, not a chance I'm afraid. If you spot jewellery and they refuse to leave the field and take it off, you might have a case, but whipping a yellow out as soon as you see it is definitely not supported in law.

You could caution them for not removing the item.

I think if you tell them to ensure all jewellery is removed, and then they go onto the field wearing an item of jewellery, you could caution them for the refusal to comply.
Surely Law > Advice though?
I'm not entirely sure. The law says corner flags are mandatory. However the advice in the "Practical Guidelines for Match Officials" says that a game can be allowed to go ahead without corner flags, using the principle that, "Referees are expected to use common sense and to apply the ‘spirit of the game’ when applying the Laws of the Game."

I think it's arguably within the 'spirit of the game' not to caution a player who has left the field for perfectly understandable, trivial and benign reasons.
Does an unused sub jumping into a goal celebration get cautioned? You have to use some common sense in all this, yes, there are cases of where cards are required but on the whole most of the ‘offences’ are very trivial and you can maybe put it towards the PI totting up box for a YC.
Does an unused sub jumping into a goal celebration get cautioned? You have to use some common sense in all this, yes, there are cases of where cards are required but on the whole most of the ‘offences’ are very trivial and you can maybe put it towards the PI totting up box for a YC.

Yes, caution them all! (I thought you'd be up for that Sheffield? :p)

think it's arguably within the 'spirit of the game' not to caution a player who has left the field for perfectly understandable, trivial and benign reasons.

Fair enough.
No, I was a stickler for Industrial Language especially if aimed at me, I probably let more tackles go than some would on here and did get up to a certain standard without wanting to advance in any way.

Took me a few years to get a reputation and it stuck with me to the end, I was the go to Ref when trouble was expected. That’s why my card count was high initially but fell dramatically as they learned which buttons not to press. I can only remember a couple of occasions where LTFOP was actioned into a card by myself but it wasn’t a massive issue.
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I can only remember a couple of occasions where LTFOP was actioned into a card by myself but it wasn’t a massive issue.

Apologies for the double-post. But I'm happy this topic came up on here. Today I had a caution for LTFOP. :O The players were very surprised. I caught a defender go off to do something for his boot, and then he came back on about a minute or so later, calm as you like. I cautioned him once the ball went out of play, as he wasn't anywhere close to interfering.

Just wondering if I should have been a stickler here and double-cautioned him, once for leaving and once for entering. Would have had a riot if I did that I think...
Apologies for the double-post. But I'm happy this topic came up on here. Today I had a caution for LTFOP. :O The players were very surprised. I caught a defender go off to do something for his boot, and then he came back on about a minute or so later, calm as you like. I cautioned him once the ball went out of play, as he wasn't anywhere close to interfering.

Just wondering if I should have been a stickler here and double-cautioned him, once for leaving and once for entering. Would have had a riot if I did that I think...
Wow, that could be pedantry to challenge even the best! Could even rival @Sheffields Finest 😉
Apologies for the double-post. But I'm happy this topic came up on here. Today I had a caution for LTFOP. :O The players were very surprised. I caught a defender go off to do something for his boot, and then he came back on about a minute or so later, calm as you like. I cautioned him once the ball went out of play, as he wasn't anywhere close to interfering.

Just wondering if I should have been a stickler here and double-cautioned him, once for leaving and once for entering. Would have had a riot if I did that I think...
Surely you shouldn't have let him come back on without administering the YC for leaving? (Which is an argument for just one YC!)
Wow, that could be pedantry to challenge even the best! Could even rival @Sheffields Finest 😉

Thats similar pedantry to a lad that give me a load of verbals about my performance (they were losing blah, blah blah) and i decided to book him, as i'm talking to him his mate came over in between player and me (in my face) and asked his mate what he'd said for me to book him, so he repeated the lot to him verbatim to which second player repeated it and said he agreed with it, so i booked him too!!! I did him for action of being in my face and giving the repeated dissent of his mate!! Happy days!! :devil:
Wow, that could be pedantry to challenge even the best! Could even rival @Sheffields Finest 😉

Ah well, I would have been amused if an assessor was there and pulled me up on that...

Surely you shouldn't have let him come back on without administering the YC for leaving? (Which is an argument for just one YC!)

Going by Law 3.8 - Advantage can be applied if he isn't interfering with play. Which he didn't, fortunately. - I'm assuming 3.8 would apply for leaving just as well as entering the field?

Part of the reason I didn't caution him for leaving was because play was underway when I spotted he had gone off, and I was willing to overlook it. Mind you, I think if I had stopped play - which, was up the field at that time, it would have raised more questions.

I dunno. I think the caution for coming back on was enough?
Apologies for the double-post. But I'm happy this topic came up on here. Today I had a caution for LTFOP. :O The players were very surprised. I caught a defender go off to do something for his boot, and then he came back on about a minute or so later, calm as you like. I cautioned him once the ball went out of play, as he wasn't anywhere close to interfering.

Just wondering if I should have been a stickler here and double-cautioned him, once for leaving and once for entering. Would have had a riot if I did that I think...

Only time I've booked someone for entering without permission was when a player went down injured but rolled himself to the side of the pitch. They had no subs and he rejoined the game about 10 minutes later. Just sprinted on when his team were attacking and I only noticed when he received a pass. Immediately blew the whistle, booking and indirect free kick