Leic Arse

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Well I started watching at half time. Kav has played 4 (?) advantages and got one horribly wrong IMHO that Arsenal didn't want and lead to a City counter.
He looks a bit narrow at times.

Leicester are really very good and totally outplaying Arsenal and just scored a potential "team" goal of the season.

Oh and Guendoooozi not punished for the ball hitting his raised arm in the box. Mitigating factor was it deflected up off a colleague's thigh... just a reminder that the idea about a high hand being HB has been interpreted in the extreme in the past in FIFA/UEFA tournaments - last week Alli, this Guendooozi, not HBs we want to see given but... not consistent between the prem and the big tournaments...

Leicester though, and B-Rod look very good.
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