Level 6-5 Promotion Criteria


New Member
Hi guys/girls,
I was just wondering what people think the county FA's are looking for in terms of assessment marks? Had my first 2 assessments; standard expected, above standard expected... Obviously need a third assessment but do people think I still have a decent enough chance?
Admittedly I don't really understand the new marking criteria!
A&H International
Overall, the system is set up such that 'above standard' is what you are looking for to be in line for promotion, as 'standard expected' suggests that overall the assessor saw a performance at your current level. That said, it's far from black and white as they will also take into account other factors like administration, availability etc. In addition, if there is clear progression through your assessments, with previous development points being worked on and addressed that's obviously going to help (and vice versa!)

So I'd suggest with those two assessments you're still very much in the game but you could do with any subsequent ones being Above Standard to see you safely home ....

DISCLAIMER - Different County FAs have different views and standards so the only way to be sure is to ask your RDO or Assessor