Licking an Opponent!


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Had an incident today (in a match that got very heated later!) that I've not seen before. Two players square up to each other following some "afters" that didn't look like much to me, and while forehead to forehead, one sticks out his tongue and attempts to lick the face of the other player. I eventually seperated them and put them both in the book for AA, but didn't really know if licking someone should have come with a greater penalty!
A&H International
I remember back in 1999 Andy Morrison licked stan colleymore's nose after a few handbags, ref yellowed them both, was Morrisons 2nd though so he walked!
The target claimed he'd made contact, but I only saw an attempt.
Spitting doesnt have to make contact for it to be a red card.

Here is a spirit of the game issue in it's truest form. So we have to ask ourselves what does football expect?

What does football expect here?

I think this should be red card with spitting being the closest type offence.

Although it could fit into shows lack of respect for the game and unsporting behaviour but for me what are the differences between spitting and licking? The force with which the saliva is ejected basically.

This has to be such a 1 off event. I really cant see you having it in another game.
Spitting doesnt have to make contact for it to be a red card.

Here is a spirit of the game issue in it's truest form. So we have to ask ourselves what does football expect?

What does football expect here?

I think this should be red card with spitting being the closest type offence.

Although it could fit into shows lack of respect for the game and unsporting behaviour but for me what are the differences between spitting and licking? The force with which the saliva is ejected basically.

This has to be such a 1 off event. I really cant see you having it in another game.
Yeah, I think you (and the others above) are probably right here but it was so unusual, I didn't know how to react! I went with yellow for AA, as he was clearly trying to provoke the opponent into an attack - but I think if I had seen a clear lick, I probably would have gone red and worked out why later!
Not sure we can go with what does football expect here although its a situation with no direct provision in LOTG, its such a rare event many won't know what to expect. A red could get may ppl surprised thinking its hash which means they didn't expect it. But I agree it can't be anything else but red if there was an actual lick. Even if you don't go with a 'spitting" reason, you can also justify it using the "offensive gesture" in the OP context. I would have been offended if someone did it to me so the opponent surely would have been be as well.
If I went up to someone on the street and licked them without consent that would surely be some form of assault? No difference on the football field
> considers lick tolerance
> er
> this is tough
> football does not expect

...I'm going yellow for non-contact licking with a caveat that I might go red if the licking was aggressive;)
I'd be gauging the reaction of licking target. If the recipient is receptive, football expects nothing (at grass roots only). If the amorous gesture is met with the same kinda repulsion encountered by my typical nightclub approaches, S6 would be the best fit
I'd be gauging the reaction of licking target. If the recipient is receptive, football expects nothing (at grass roots only). If the amorous gesture is met with the same kinda repulsion encountered by my typical nightclub approaches, S6 would be the best fit

Agree, if the player laughs it off or licks him back you'd look a bit silly sending him off. Any kind of angry reaction by the player though I think I'd be walking him.
Posts like this are why I love this forum. Hadn’t even occurred to me that this might happen in a game, but now could easily imagine a scenario. Wouldn’t have had a clue what to do, but happy with the above reasoning, taking into the victim’s (the lickee??) reaction.