Liv v Eve

However, a holding offense in your penalty area is a red card.
You are confusing this with when done in a case of "denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity". This wan't one so no red card.

No yellow card either since a penalty was given.
A&H International
Hi all,

In my opinion, Bobby adopted a very lenient attitude in this match.

The Liverpool penalty incident seems a penalty as it is a holding offense. However, a holding offense in your penalty area is a red card.

Jacob M

Is it, when did that come out, I clearly missed the memo!!! :angel:
It seems that there's more. Holgate can be seen saying something like "you heard that" to Madely and the player/club has reported that the opponent was racially abusive.

This doean't kook good for the ref. If he heard something racist, he has to show red. It's hard to believe he didn't hear what Firminio said.

Generally this looks a dismal incident for football, and for "us". And bad for LFC. If there were racist remarks, Firminio should get a long ban - hourse after his two fellow forwards were voted Africa's best players. How can footballers be so stupid?

There's no condoning RF. Has Madelyl lost control here by not inmediately running over with the yellow?
It seems that there's more. Holgate can be seen saying something like "you heard that" to Madely and the player/club has reported that the opponent was racially abusive.

This doean't kook good for the ref. If he heard something racist, he has to show red. It's hard to believe he didn't hear what Firminio said.

Generally this looks a dismal incident for football, and for "us". And bad for LFC. If there were racist remarks, Firminio should get a long ban - hourse after his two fellow forwards were voted Africa's best players. How can footballers be so stupid?

There's no condoning RF. Has Madelyl lost control here by not inmediately running over with the yellow?

Press are reporting that he said "you son of a bitch", which, if they are correct, is hardly racist.
As much as its a penalty last night, the last thing it is is a red card at the pen sorry, as much as opinions are welcome, its factually not a red, I would not even expect a yellow there
If there was anything racist said, Madley will just hide behind the same excuse that all PGMOL officials use to justify not sending players off for OFFINABUS......"big crowd, lots of noise, didn't hear it".

And those officials suggesting a caution for the aggressive grab by Holgate on Madley......hang your heads in shame. If a players puts hands on a match official in an aggressive manner, it's a red card....don't care what level of football it is. To do anything else is to invite and condone the assaulting of referees.
You are confusing this with when done in a case of "denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity". This wan't one so no red card.

No yellow card either since a penalty was given.

Hi one,

Yes it seems I got that one wrong, if it did happen in one of my matches I would’ve not issued a card myself.
I was writing that late at night and my fatigued self got it wrong.

Jacob M
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It most definitely isn't, that is only the case when the holding offence denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity.

Hi RustyRef,

I was writing late at night and being as fatigued as I was I got it mixed up with DOGSO.

Jacob M
Hi all,

In my opinion, Bobby adopted a very lenient attitude in this match.

The Liverpool penalty incident seems a penalty as it is a holding offense. However, a holding offense in your penalty area is a red card.
The MOTD presenters are talking nonsense when they say football is a contact sport and nowadays a player can touch the other players. Just because that happens more frequently without pushing, pulling or holding doesn't mean it is written in the laws of the game.
Holgate should've seen red after he used excessive force to push Firmino into the spectators, such a collision could've seriously injured him.

All opinions are my own and I understand that other people will have different opinions, this is REFCHAT, not REFWAR.

Jacob M
It is only a red card if the holding offence denied an obvious goal scoring opportunity.
2nd incident is bit of a push, below the neck - fact that he ended up in the crowd made it look worse than it was along with subsequent reactions. Would barely register elsewhere on the pitch
Thing is, the position on the pitch matters. Imagine if the push was directly towards another player, or one of the goal posts. The risk of injury is then inherently higher and therefore the sanction required is greater .......
Thing is, the position on the pitch matters. Imagine if the push was directly towards another player, or one of the goal posts. The risk of injury is then inherently higher and therefore the sanction required is greater .......
Agreed. Anywhere else on the pitch no eye brows raise as no safety endangered. I think a deliberate push towards a solid boundary does heighten the danger and potentially becomes a red card offence. Take it down to grassroots some pitches are surrounded by concrete boundaries. If I see a player deliberately push an opponent, or teammate, into those my red twitchers are going.
Press are reporting that he said "you son of a bitch", which, if they are correct, is hardly racist.
Yes, but there seems to be something else said when Kenny is obscuring the camera view just after that - so the lipreaders couldn't see it...
It doesn't take too much to see that Firmino insults Holgate in (I assume) Portuguese - the Spanish term is essentially the same, and that insult is probably something like the phase which had been mentioned above. The rest of the words are obscured in the camera angle provided last night. However, there's an angle of Holgate making it (reasonably) clear as to what he thought was said to him and it would appear he heard a racist term.
It's a shame that a referee is unable to hear what is said when the person behind him can and he's standing between the protagonists.
It doesn't take too much to see that Firmino insults Holgate in (I assume) Portuguese - the Spanish term is essentially the same, and that insult is probably something like the phase which had been mentioned above.
To be fair to the referee, he cannot be expected to understand Portugese (or Spanish for that matter) when he is officiating in an English league.
To be fair to the referee, he cannot be expected to understand Portugese (or Spanish for that matter) when he is officiating in an English league.
...my understanding is that there was something after the Portuguese "son of a whore" and this additional phrase wasn't on camera - that's what Holgate reacts to. And that's what has the racist content.
To be fair to the referee, he cannot be expected to understand Portugese (or Spanish for that matter) when he is officiating in an English league.
I don't expect him to either. After all, in a multicultural, multilingual game of football that is the Premier League, why would a leading official need to know any language other than English?
I don't expect Holgate is very conversant in Portuguese either but he clearly understood one word or phrase uttered by Firmino.
I don't expect him to either. After all, in a multicultural, multilingual game of football that is the Premier League, why would a leading official need to know any language other than English?
I don't expect Holgate is very conversant in Portuguese either but he clearly understood one word or phrase uttered by Firmino.
Cross post there... my understanding is that this isn't about "filho da puta", it's about something after that. And, not knowing Holgate's Portuguese, but presuming it's not advanced, I'll wager it was something universally understood... but we'll see.

As an LFC fan, I'm gutted