Lower thigh muscle tweak


The avuncular one
Lol it came up as lower thigh twerk in the header before I changed it... Autocorrect eh?

After 3 games in 4 days, I was fine. Little stiffness, but good to go. Could have done a game the next day. However, taking my boy to footie training and essentially standing still I have managed to pick up the above (the tweak not the twerk).

It is not horrendous and I was able to knock out a quick 1km high intensity run in the gym yesterday just to make sure running on it was no problem. Any suggestions for how to baby it through the next 4 days and 3 games? Only today's match should be high intensity, the others likely to be a sliding scale of less so.

Was thinking a good rubbing with deep heat today pre match?
A&H International
Lots of deep heat, until it burns so much you can't feel the muscle soreness for the flames. Just be careful in the thigh/groin area with the deep heat though, one false move and any soreness in your thigh will be the last thing on your mind, I speak from experience!!
Stretching is necessary. Also, take a couple of days off and let it recover. Don't make it worse!

And yes, ensure deep heat is carefully applied...!
Yep, what Grayson said! I once applied a rather large portion of deep heat, before rubbing my eyes a couple of minutes later without thinking. Let's just say I was in the changing room for quite a few more minutes!
While I did wash my hands thoroughly, I still had a strange warm sensation in my shorts after my pre match toilet visit. :rolleyes:

Through the magic of ignorance the tweak seems to have gone away. Could feel it prematch, now post match it seems to have gone.
While I did wash my hands thoroughly, I still had a strange warm sensation in my shorts after my pre match toilet visit. :rolleyes:

Through the magic of ignorance the tweak seems to have gone away. Could feel it prematch, now post match it seems to have gone.
Ice it tonight to ensure it's right!
Good idea. I just had my traditional ice cold post game bath, but will break out the ice packs later.
Just be careful in the thigh/groin area with the deep heat though, one false move and any soreness in your thigh will be the last thing on your mind, I speak from experience!!
I've seen that done by a ref, following by a lot of cursing. Mainly "Argh!!! My f***ing b***acks!!!!" oh, and a lot of laughing from me and the other AR! Little to say I've not done it myself. Yet.
This may sound slightly bizarre, but try slapping your thighs and hamstrings jut before the game starts. Sounds weird but it stuns the muscles and sends a quick shot of blood to them (otherwise known as a vascular shunt) meaning if you're cold you're less likely to suffer an injury
This may sound slightly bizarre, but try slapping your thighs and hamstrings jut before the game starts. Sounds weird but it stuns the muscles and sends a quick shot of blood to them (otherwise known as a vascular shunt) meaning if you're cold you're less likely to suffer an injury
I used to play bass for Vascular Shunt.
So, lets summarise the advice I have been given above:

Loads of deep heat
Make sure I wash my hands before I go to the toilet, or "self massage"
Slap myself about a bit, like I have unpaid debts (unrelated to the point above)
Be careful of going blind (I am a ref, people think I am blind anyway....)


You don't see that in training manuals!