Man City Vs Arsenal


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
Red mist brains of a rocking horse moment from Xhaka, jumping in 2 footed with his team already losing 2-0.


One of the easiest and clear cut red cards you are likely to see!
A&H International
You'll struggle to find a more textbook red.

I'm actually seeing people on social media saying that wasn't a red.

People go on about "the refs have never played the game" yet they're coming out with stuff like that.
Got to love the good old "haven't played the game" comments, especially when so many who have played the game at the highest levels are so completely ignorant and clueless with regard to the laws of the game.
If you look up “two-footed out of control tackle”, that’s on the list of possible example videos.
Got to love the good old "haven't played the game" comments, especially when so many who have played the game at the highest levels are so completely ignorant and clueless with regard to the laws of the game.

The one and only thing I can think of making people say this is, "Well, he didn't hit him THAT hard . . ."

Which in this case is completely irrelevant. That type of "challenge" is a sendoff in pretty much any case. Even if there was no contact, the need for a player to jump out of the way still ticks the "endangering player safety" box. ANY contact with that type of two-footed lunge at speed pretty much seals the deal for a straight red.

Martin Atkinson isn't exactly the referee who has an itchy trigger finger when it comes to red cards. The only thing I noticed is that he first started to go into his right front pocket, but then almost immediately went to his red card pocket. This was pretty deep in his quadrant, so I don't think he would have needed any help from AR2 to go with a red card.
Also a red card for me. However I have a hypothetical question. Assuming it was given a yellow card, should VAR have intervened?
I'll also commend Martin Atkinson for not getting in the way of play. Too many referees seem to want to be an extra defender.