Manager not paying up.

A&H International
After the 'What do you want me to do about it' comment I'd have just left. You'll always get the payment even if it has to go through the league.
Match fee is always cash in hand at the lower levels. If the team don't cough up, you can call your leagues ref sec to sort them out.

I once had a team pay me with a fake twenty! Unbeknownst to them of course, called the ref sec and got it sorted same day with no fuss and a few laughs.

At the end of the day, how they get the money isn't your problem. They could be moonlighting as Magic Mike but that's their business, not yours.

I usually don't mind waiting about to be paid either. If they're faffing about I just point out that I work weekends and can't hang about. That usually gets them moving.

If the players have genuinely vanished and the gaffer is stuck, I usually oblige and let them go to the cash point.

I used to run a five a side team so I know what a pain it is to get players to pay subs sometimes, so I do have a bit of sympathy in that respect.
I went to a match 2 weeks ago for one of the Sunday Leagues I do. An hours worth of travelling as I had to drop my step son off and then get to the game. Nobody in site, no message or phone call to tell me that the game had been cancelled. I turned down several games because this was my allocated game.

League Secretary told me that he would get the money from the home team and asked for my bank details so he could transfer the money. Nothing two weeks later and no response to a reminder text. This is the only league I ever have a single issue with so I'm removing myself from their league. Such a shame because this league needs refs but in n it being messed about.
once bitten twice shy. Had an issue club paid me half by bacs kept on delaying and I never got the other half. Next time I will report it straight away
Only happened to me twice. Both at the same ground, coincidentally. First time was the home side pissy that they'd lost and were just being nobs about it and said they weren't going to pay. So I went home and reported it. Eventually got the match fee from the league and they had a fivefold fine on top. Wasn't going lose any sleep over £15, but damn right I'll report every single of detail about it.

Second time was a curious tale, took the match ball back to the changing room as was standard back then. Got showered, changed, came out and everyone else had buggered off. Phoned County on the Monday to let them know what had happened, just as a "now what?" as I still had the match ball, and didn't want to just be knocking on the home club secretary's door (couldn't get hold of him on the phone). I got the bigger bollocking for "stealing" the ball.
I don't think I've ever had a team refuse to pay, although this is mainly due to two of the leagues I referee on say the referee is to be paid before the game, presumably to stop this sort of thing happening.

I did once do a friendly, and forgot to wait for the money and went home. Saw the manager at a game the next day, had a laugh about it, when I got home there was an envelope in the porch with the full fee.