Open Age Maritime Champions' League 2014

Ryan Owens

Token Colonial
Level 3 Referee
Appointments have just come down for the annual MCL -- which is the top level of regional competition in my area. I've got two in the middle (one on opening night, the next is a match between the first days' losing teams) and two as an Assistant (one semi-final, and then the final). Looking forward to it. Apparently, you all can watch me on a live stream if you want. I don't know the link but I'll post it when I get the chance along with the schedule and my match times.
A&H International
Sounds good! Well done:)

Let us know when they're on and I will try and catch some of a game:)
Alright since you asked for it, here's the link to the live stream for the MCL:


My match times (in AST) are:

Friday -- 8:30 PM (Referee)
Saturday -- 3:00 PM (Referee)
Saturday -- 7:00 PM (Assistant)
Sunday -- 3:00 PM (Assistant) Final
Will there be highlights??

I won't be able to catch the games you're refereeing:(

I'll be able to catch some of the line games though!!:)

EDIT: realised you put it in AST time, so had a look and think I'll be there to get your 2nd game you're refereeing!
Thanks Jojo. I don't think there will be highlights but, according to the tournament organiser, the full matches should be posted on archive a few weeks after the fact. I hope they are so I can watch (and critique) myself as well.
Oof, tough first match. I'm definitely tired as I haven't done that much running in a long while. One PK and a sending off for OFFINABUS happened. Finished 3-0 and I was pretty happy with my performance considering it was the first of the season. Gotta work on regaining that awareness and sharpness that has kind of worn down over the winter break.
Oh my God, I've never had shin splints like this before in my life. They flared up during my middle and let me tell you that the sprints on the line were hellish and now I'm in agony. Gotta pop some Tylenol three and douse my shin in Voltaren gel for tomorrow.
Ice, ice and more ice.

If you have shin splints then rest is the only real cure (and stretching exercises in the longer term). If you are going to do another game with it.... Ibuprofen helps a little, calf guards/compression also help a little and good luck!
I think I watched some of your game. I was confused for the first 5mins because of the lines on the pitch! Haha! I thought you did well of what I saw!:)
Went on the internet - had a table with the times in for both time zones!! Their 3pm games are 7pm here
Thanks for watching -- notice anything in particular?

As it happens, I don't think it's shin splints as the pain is nearer to my ankle. I think I've either ruptured my tendon or fractured my ankle. It's swollen way up like a balloon right now and it hurts like you wouldn't believe.
No I didn't notice much at all! And thats unusual for me, I always pick out little things!:hmmm::D

Is it the start or end of your season? I can't keep up with where people are!!
It is the start. We play a summer season in Canada -- except in British Columbia where they are in line with the rest of the footballing world and have a winter season. Also, as an update: I may have gout.
It seems like an update a day here!!! Hahaha:D