The Ref Stop

Mark Sampson Sacked

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
What an absolute dogs dinner of an FA we have.... They should all walk the plank in my opinion. Sack the lot of them.... They couldn't run a blooming bath most of them!!!
The Ref Stop
If what has been reported to have been said is true and he passed 3 separate FA investigations to gain employment, how on the planet isn't someone at the FA getting sacked for such incompetence. Then they claim, 'certain information came to light!!!' WTF do these prats do all day!!!
Are you sure this has nothing to do with the Women's team doing better than the Men's?
Just asking like.......
It all seems a bit odd that FA are even saying he is a suitable (and clearly results wise, quite good) coach, yet, not suitable for them?

Of course joe public will never know the real facts but its going to be very difficult for him to find another similar role, even though there is no actual horrendous proven evidence against him, which is a bit unfair if he has done nothing wrong as such.
It all seems a bit odd that FA are even saying he is a suitable (and clearly results wise, quite good) coach, yet, not suitable for them?

Of course joe public will never know the real facts but its going to be very difficult for him to find another similar role, even though there is no actual horrendous proven evidence against him, which is a bit unfair if he has done nothing wrong as such.
Won't be long before it comes out what and who he has cracked off with papers will be all over it
Based on things which might have gone on and things which were said and how they were said, Sir Alex himself would not be employable (should he be in the market for a job), his biggest motivation was a fear factor,
Malky McKay was sacked for comments about gays and women yet SFA found it fit to appoint him as Performance Director
Everybody has said something in the past am sure which someone somewhere could find a bit risky.
Brian Clough and Jim McLean were famous (infamous) for actually using violence to get results.
Football is a very different environment to the office, or shop floor or so on.
I think it was Strachen who said on tv that football has no morals, all folk care about it the result on the park, and fans of a team will forgive (forget) a players misbehaviour as long as they are doing the job on the park

Interesting case though !!
They didn't initially forgive Ched Evans despite him being being released from prison with an unsafe conviction!!!
He was hounded out of signing contracts with SUFC and Oldham!! Seems some things are forgivable and some are not!!!
Had Evans had signed (or the clubs ignored the protests) and he was top scorer as the team got promoted, then the protests would have been a thing of the past.....
And with Evans, was it not lots of locals, rather than a majority of actual paid up all singing all dancing fans ?
Including some girl with a stand named after her, which, you probably know better than me, has been replaced with a £££££ deal?
So, again no morals, ££££ (results) talk more than anything
Managers sleeping with players can't be that uncommon? Is there more to the story than that?

Plenty of male and female coaches in a relationship with players in the Women's Premier League
I'm sure the juicy stuff will come out officially or unofficially soon. To say this lot are the guardians of our game leaves a lot to be desired if they have employed someone with a, let's say, interesting past! What must the others have done if he was the chosen candidate! Someone seems to have been telling porkies....
Managers sleeping with players can't be that uncommon? Is there more to the story than that?

Plenty of male and female coaches in a relationship with players in the Women's Premier League

Reminds me of a bloke I know - years of medical training wasted when he got struck off for sleeping with one of his patients, he was best friends with the patient.

A real shame. He was a bloomin' good vet.
I would be interested to know what makes this man unsuitable to represent the FA given, without google, I can think of,

Erikson, affair
Rooney, using prostitues
Gerrard, Barton, assualt
Rio, missed drugs test
Adams high profile drinker
Gazza hitting his wife
Lampard and Terry publically mocking the Trade Centre incident
Terry for sleeping with team mates wife and taking firearm to training
Beckham, alledged affair
Bobby Charlton, alledged ticket touting

If these folk are deemed suitable to represent the FA but this guy aint then, the world waits with baited breath!
Whichever way you slice it, however much you like your banter, this case is a total failure of process. Heads should be rolling at the FA. Disgraceful handling of their staff based on what has been reported and admitted so far.

In the meantime, that's an interesting list. Who actually deserved and got sanctioned. AFAIK Sven didn't do anything legally wrong, did he? Big Ron lost his commentating job. Rio served a ban. Gerrard and Barton went through judicial process. Terry had the captaincy removed. IIRC.

There has to be some allowance for people in all walks of life to be punished and gain redemption. I'm fine with that. What gets my goat is that, not unlike a lack of accountability in politics and big business, some in sport think it is acceptable to circumvent the law, fairness and decency. It is not acceptable. Punish the guilty!
Sam Alladyce had a decent record (100%) as the England mens Manager. He's currently out of work...Interviews very well apparently!!!
Whichever way you slice it, however much you like your banter, this case is a total failure of process. Heads should be rolling at the FA. Disgraceful handling of their staff based on what has been reported and admitted so far.

In the meantime, that's an interesting list. Who actually deserved and got sanctioned. AFAIK Sven didn't do anything legally wrong, did he? Big Ron lost his commentating job. Rio served a ban. Gerrard and Barton went through judicial process. Terry had the captaincy removed. IIRC.

There has to be some allowance for people in all walks of life to be punished and gain redemption. I'm fine with that. What gets my goat is that, not unlike a lack of accountability in politics and big business, some in sport think it is acceptable to circumvent the law, fairness and decency. It is not acceptable. Punish the guilty!
No one should feel too sorry for samps on btw. Apparently was on between 100-150k, contract got paid up it was due to expire 2019 will no doubt walk into a new job soon as well
Managers sleeping with players can't be that uncommon? Is there more to the story than that?

Plenty of male and female coaches in a relationship with players in the Women's Premier League
Doesn't make it ok though just because lots do it?? I happen to know of some clubs who clearly stipulate in the contracts of players & coaches that it is a breach of contract & sackable offence if a coach & player become intimate.
it's the same in US too, with the NWSL reminding players & clubs that it isn't allowed!
Managers sleeping with players can't be that uncommon? Is there more to the story than that?

Plenty of male and female coaches in a relationship with players in the Women's Premier League
Let's not forget that this safeguarding report was written while he was in a position of responsibility at Bristol Academy.

Even without that aspect however, it's still well within the FA's right to decide a relationship between a coach and player is inappropriate. Policies like that are up to individual "companies" and breeches of them can be punished as the company sees fit.