Mass confrontation


Well-Known Member
Level 6 Referee
60 mins In and a tackle comes in from blue 8, border line yellow but nothing more... Certainly not worthy of what follows.

Fouled player (Y10) gets up and grabs him by the throat in an attempt to throw him to the ground, number 8 responds and successfully grabs Y10 by the throat and throws him o the ground and punches him, cue all players in, me doing the best I can to help calm it down (along with both captains and a senior player from both team), whilst trying to pick out key offenders, very difficult on your own I found!!

It all calms down and I'm thinking 2 reds for the two that started it, no one else really deserving of much more other than to possibly caution everyone for c1AA... Then blue 7 runs 30 yards to punch/push/two handed shove an opponent in the face cue it all starting up again, though this card down very fast... So 3 reds for the two who started it and the runner...

I think I dealt with it pretty well considering it's my first ever MC and I got the key people... According to blue chairman who was watching I missed one of the yellows, but I'll live with that.

Reports to be sent in later, and I'll chat to chief exec tomorrow as I'm on work placement with them all week :)

Any comments on what I could do better??
A&H International
Mass confrontations are so, so difficult to deal with, particularly when you're on your own.

It certainly sounds like you got the three reds correct. Always get the instigators, anything else is a bonus.

Well Done!
You sound like you did as well as anyone could expect. Knowing what you should do in theory and then witnessing a live mass confrontation where there is violence are very different things. Like you found out it happens very quickly and on your own you have to try and work out which of the 22 players has done what plus anyone else off the sidelines getting involved. And then there is trying to remember It all when it is calmed and time to hand out cards and everyone is trying to calmly and innocently walk away!

Sounds like a good job mate.
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Nothing else for me. As you describe it there were three reds and you got all three, so that's the biggest job done.

One thing: as well as catching the reds it can be useful to yellow either the first person not involved in the foul who piles in, or the bloke who comes from furthest away.

A tip that works for me is to have a blank bit of paper in my wallet underneath the match card, that way when a mass con kicks off, or someone goes all offinabus, there's somewhere for me to make lots of free form notes about who's said and done what.
Thanks guys!!

One thing: as well as catching the reds it can be useful to yellow either the first person not involved in the foul who piles in, or the bloke who comes from furthest away.

A tip that works for me is to have a blank bit of paper in my wallet underneath the match card, that way when a mass con kicks off, or someone goes all offinabus, there's somewhere for me to make lots of free form notes about who's said and done what.

I like this about the yellows especially.. I always see people getting cautioned during a mass confrontation and never knew how they came to that conclusion so this definitely helps
I like this about the yellows especially.. I always see people getting cautioned during a mass confrontation and never knew how they came to that conclusion so this definitely helps

A standard pre-match talk would be that if there's a mass con you want to make sure that between the three of you you get:

1) any reds
2) Yellow for the guys who started it
3) yellow for the guy(s) who run a mile to get involved and escalate it from just two folks who are going head to head.
60 mins In and a tackle comes in from blue 8, border line yellow but nothing more... Certainly not worthy of what follows.

Fouled player (Y10) gets up and grabs him by the throat in an attempt to throw him to the ground, number 8 responds and successfully grabs Y10 by the throat and throws him o the ground and punches him, cue all players in, me doing the best I can to help calm it down (along with both captains and a senior player from both team), whilst trying to pick out key offenders, very difficult on your own I found!!

It all calms down and I'm thinking 2 reds for the two that started it, no one else really deserving of much more other than to possibly caution everyone for c1AA... Then blue 7 runs 30 yards to punch/push/two handed shove an opponent in the face cue it all starting up again, though this card down very fast... So 3 reds for the two who started it and the runner...

I think I dealt with it pretty well considering it's my first ever MC and I got the key people... According to blue chairman who was watching I missed one of the yellows, but I'll live with that.

Reports to be sent in later, and I'll chat to chief exec tomorrow as I'm on work placement with them all week :)

Any comments on what I could do better??

When you get a MC, you need to ensure that you get the reds (which you have). Don't worry about missing any yellows, most players are guilty of AA so they accept that they have got away with one.

In future, if you get a MC and its starts again after you get rid of the starting two, you shoudl really consider abandonment. There is nothing worse for the game than 2 MC during a game.

Sounds like you did everything right. Did the players all leave quietly or was there problems on the way off. A word of advice - never dismiss opposition players together make sure there is time and distance between them, the older member will remember Keegan & Bremmer in the 1974 Charity Shield (if you are too young check YouTube).
A word of advice - never dismiss opposition players together make sure there is time and distance between them, the older member will remember Keegan & Bremmer in the 1974 Charity Shield (if you are too young check YouTube).
Of if you've seen "The Damned United"... :)
When you get a MC, you need to ensure that you get the reds (which you have). Don't worry about missing any yellows, most players are guilty of AA so they accept that they have got away with one.

In future, if you get a MC and its starts again after you get rid of the starting two, you shoudl really consider abandonment. There is nothing worse for the game than 2 MC during a game.

Sounds like you did everything right. Did the players all leave quietly or was there problems on the way off. A word of advice - never dismiss opposition players together make sure there is time and distance between them, the older member will remember Keegan & Bremmer in the 1974 Charity Shield (if you are too young check YouTube).

Thanks for the advice lincs... Always a good read :) I did dismiss all 3 players together and immediately realised it was wrong... Luckily all players went to the opposite side of the pitch (to their managers) so I had chance to create a gap between the before sending them for a shower...

And the MC was dying down when it got sparked off again, and control was regained pretty well after so I was happy to continue. I did warm both captains that any misbehaviour would be dealt with very firmly, and they did help me out which was good :D
Looks like you got them all, I had a MC this past weekend 2 Reds for VC one from each team.
Then cue the onslaught of all players running in from every direction, only made worse by the fact it was bang on half way line and on the side of the dug outs.
I had made my decision after my last MC/Abandoned game that I would be going for the Instigators as my sole priority, as on reflection in my last MC as well as dealing with the Red's I found my self (alone) looking too much for other offenders.

I feel i got this 100% spot on, its the most difficult situation to deal with alone as you have next to no support, I too then gave the coaches, subs, captains & players the ultimatum: Whilst showing my watch and tapping on it, i told them we have played 78 minutes I am close to Abandoning this game and the result will stand so calm it down and play football. The game ended relatively peacefully.