match fees

andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
has anyone here been asked to send in an invoice for match fees to be told that it will take up to 3 weeks to be paid, also would anyone report a league for this to the devon fa via a misconduct report.
A&H International
That don't sound right mate. I've always been paid before or after a game. Never been told to send in a invoice.

Speak to the league and your RDO about it.

But as I'm sure you are aware, we have to be registered self-employed. I'm not 100% convinced all referees are. My suggestion to the KCFA was that they employee someone to do the payroll for all referee fees inc travel costs if the league pays that and then the relevant tax can be deducted at source. That way the league pays the KCFA the fees and we get paid at the end of the month etc.

Never heard anything back from that.
it is the league that told me that, is the way they want to pay as it is a student university league. and no i was not aware i had to be self employed, best i get a book to write stuff down in then, all expenses and i bet i work at a loss which will mean tax back.
Take a look on here. There a great sprees sheet that's works it all out for you. Otherwise I can email it to you.
You put in you outgoings inc equipment travel etc etc and all income inc match fees and any travel you get. It works it all out for you.
Don't want you to get in trouble ;-)
Was asked to referee the Nottingham Trent university matches a while ago. They wanted to pay by bacs. Just be careful and log everything
ok travel do you add up the distance both ways. and how much do you charge for using the internet and home as an office to do match reports and stuff.
You should 'charge' a proportionate amount of you monthly Internet bill. If 20% of your Internet use is on refereeing matters, charge 20% of your bill for example.

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cool :), so when i hand in a tax return after April next year, i send it in with a copy of this form plus a p60 from the navy, and and they will do the rest.
Was asked to referee the Nottingham Trent university matches a while ago. They wanted to pay by bacs. Just be careful and log everything
i have all emails and invoices sent, and i am doing one more and knocking them on the head not happy having to wait 3-4 weeks to be paid for my Sunday afternoon, only did it for as a favor.
i could of gone to the pub for a sunday roast, instead of getting freezing cold and hands i could not feel by the end of the match :D