Match Reporting for FA Competitions


New Member
Do misconduct reports need to be submitted through WholeGame, as well as the misconduct report section on MOAS for FA Competitions?
A&H International
Tip if you are not used to using MOAS. It won't let you enter cautions or sendings off without the timings. If, like me, you only record what you need to report, you might not be in the habit of noting timings for cautions down. Ask your senior AR in the pre-match to do it in case you forget - saves messing about with club twitter feeds or just making it up afterwards
Depends on the level of the clubs and referee. 2 x step 5 clubs is Wholegame system I believe as they are still dealt with at County level. If there is a Step 4 club or above involved it is on MOAS. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anybody
Depends on the level of the clubs and referee. 2 x step 5 clubs is Wholegame system I believe as they are still dealt with at County level. If there is a Step 4 club or above involved it is on MOAS. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anybody
That's my understanding, it is down to who deals with discipline. Step 5 and below clubs are affiliated to a CFA, step 4 and above directly to the FA, so where the report goes is different. I'll caveat by saying that I've been out of the system for a while though, and it might have changed.
If MOAS allows you to enter discipline for a match, then only submit them through MOAS.
Depends on the level of the clubs and referee. 2 x step 5 clubs is Wholegame system I believe as they are still dealt with at County level. If there is a Step 4 club or above involved it is on MOAS. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anybody
That's my understanding, it is down to who deals with discipline. Step 5 and below clubs are affiliated to a CFA, step 4 and above directly to the FA, so where the report goes is different. I'll caveat by saying that I've been out of the system for a while though, and it might have changed.
Not sure that's right as FA Vase is in MOAS and that only includes up to Step 5.
My vase game tomorrow was appointed through MOAS step 6 home team vs step 5 away team
My vase game tomorrow was appointed through MOAS step 6 home team vs step 5 away team
Think everything is in MOAS now for step 5/6 here. But discipline still in whole game. (Happy to be corrected on the discipline element)