Minutes silence

A&H International
If both sides are in agreement to it, 2 1/2 mins before kick off, whistle to bring both sides around the centre circle. Whistle to start and then whistle to end Then bring the captains in, do the toss. Ready to go.

Let both sides know how it will work before hand.

You will also notice how long a minute actually is!
Having done a couple of these as a player at Sunday level, do the coin toss as normal, and then bring the players in to stand around the centre circle. Blow your whistle to start the minute, again to end it. Alternatively you could do the coin toss after the minute, up to you i suppose. If you explain what is going to happen, what you expect from the players and exactly when it is going to happen (eg after the coin toss) to both managers before the game you shouldn't have any problems.
Presumably on the league's say so

Ideally talk to both coaches together ahead of the game to make sure they're both aware and agreed on how it will happen and that they tell their players. (Ask cars, if cars it is, if they'd like to stand either side of you)

Try to ensure that message has been conveyed to spectators

Best before coin toss but after all other pre match stuff has been carried out. No harm in reminding players when you do your equipment check

Should have already been agreed where teams will stand - in two lines on respective parts of centre circle seems to do the trick

You on centre circle where it crosses halfway line.

When everyone in place. Check your watch, blow your whistle, single not too short blast, bow your head. Watch second hand. After one minute, blow your whistle again.

Call captains in for coin toss - perhaps best not to whistle them in straight after whistle for end of minute

Just my take - lots of tweaks to the above are possible
Good point that Haywain makes. Ensure that the spectators know what is going on. Otherwise they'll spend the first 30 seconds having a chat.
Depends on what competition on how you guys normally start proceedings.. Whenever I have had a minute silence it is during our National Premier League so we walk teams down the players race and then line up for the respect handshake. Usually we will do the minute silence standing in the line before the handshake, that way it makes it obvious to everyone in the crowd what we're doing. Then we continue and carry out handshakes and coin toss like normal
Good point that Haywain makes. Ensure that the spectators know what is going on. Otherwise they'll spend the first 30 seconds having a chat.

To be honest itd probably be ruder of the spectators to not know about the minutes silence given the weekend and players gathered silently in the center circle than to chat for 30secs IMO! They should be expecting the minutes silence
Not really cos it doesn't happen in many leagues, certainly not round here, tho', in sussex, we prefer that other counties send people to the front on our behalf
Ah faur enough, here in Lpool tho theres a lot of current or ex servicemen so its a formality almost! Haha!
How come you are doing a minutes silence this weekend when it's not the 11th til a week on Tuesday?
What happens if a team refuses to take part in the minutes silence, I've never had this but wondered about it?
Hopefully they have the class to not ruin it for those who do wish to take part.
No. A girl called Melissa Smith passed away playing football in the central Lancs girls leagues and it was a minutes applause.
No. A girl called Melissa Smith passed away playing football in the central Lancs girls leagues and it was a minutes applause.
I also had a minutes applause the weekend before the one I mentioned above for Melissa Smith.
I've got my first game of my year abroad in Germany this afternoon, and I don't think they do the 2 minutes silence. It may also be seen as slightly provocative sadly. I'll be wearing a black armband during the game however.
Echo the points made above but I do the coin toss first as I have the skippers with me I ask them to call their players up for the minutes silence, saves me shouting at both teams and looks more respectful.