Missed shot- penalty/play on?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all.
Had this one come up in todays game.

Blue attacker through on goal, just inside the box. Yellow defender running in from the side lunges in to try and block the shot. Attacker gets hurried shot away, which flies over the bar, before defender crashes into player bringing him down. I blow up immediately and give penalty, but take no further action. One or two appeals from defending team (mainly from the sidelines as ever).

My questions would be:
1. Does the fact that he got the shot away detract from the penalty claim? (pretty sure I'm right on this one- I ruled no)
2. Defender was clearly trying to block the shot, and so no disciplinary action was taken. Attacker was already committed to shooting, so does the fact he has MISSED his "Goal-Scoring opportunity" mean that this WASNT DOGSO and hence a red?

A&H International
sorry, literally just seen a thread earlier about this... feel free to delete admins :)