The Ref Stop

Most annoying reaction to correct decisions

With an opponent nearby blue player gets tripped by a particularly vicious blade of grass (approx 36,175 in from the touch line), call “no foul” and wave play on. White defence clears ball down far end where white forward gets wiped out in the penalty area losing a boot in the process. Award penalty and blue player complains about “lack of consistency”
The Ref Stop
Oh that's so spot on. Even 'better' is when they say use the 'Help him out lino' line when the referee HAS given the foul.

Have they EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER seen a 'lino' march onto the pitch after a decision given by the ref to say 'Excuse me old chap, think you might have got that one wrong
I have a video of an AR doing that from 2 weeks ago. He also did it a second time in the same game. Batsh*t mental.
Player gets fouled, goes down theatrically, stays down, eventually gets up, looks at me with the evil stare, whinges something about the whistle... you just missed your team score an advantage goal you tweet! Though you’d have probably found a way to balls it up if you hadn’t been prone!
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Defender has the ball. Attacker trips him. Defender gets up and retains possession. Attacker still has him under pressure. I blow for foul. Attacker yells as if I have made a mistake "give him advantage ref". Me, " if YOU want me to give him advantage, I wonder if it's his advantage or yours".
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Attacker 1 dribbling past halfway, looks for a way to beat Defender 1. Gets the ball through but a tussle means he can't recover it.
Attacker 2 though, picks it up in space, runs 40 metres up the field while beating Defenders 2 and 3, gets close enough that the goalkeeper makes a challenge, and his shot barely misses.
Cue Attackers 3 and 4 and 5 complaining about the tussle back at halfway, why didn't I do anything about it?

Well, if you'd watched what did happen instead of whining about what didn't happen, you'd have seen the great advantage 🙄 result is captain taking a card for the team's dissent.
I had a similar incident this weekend, incidentally an U18's match, the attacker had rode two foul challenges and stayed on his feet ,but he was travelling at speed with the ball slightly running away from him.
He was heading straight towards me and I couldn't see what was developing behind me and my fear was either another defender took him out or he might dive in on someone in an attempt to get the ball.back.......I blew for the foul on him just as he played an inch perfect ball to a teammate ....... que the moaning and outrage and me having to apologise.

My thought process was following a seminar run by a Premier League Ref who showed clips were refs had played avantage after a couple of challenges on attackers which resulted in things going badly wrong one a defender suffered a broken leg with the attacker diving in, another attacker issued a red after again diving in and the third in a mass confrontation when the third defender cleaned the attacker out.

Having seen the aforementioned incidents I tend to err on the side of caution and go with a foul especially after a second 'nibble' unless there is a clear run.

On a side note.....I've had a manager tell me before a match that his team didn't want any ' advantages'......turns out he had two centre halves who he wanted in the opposition box at every opportunity he okay to request this?

We used to do this in the team I finished in. We were all decebt in the air and anything from 20 yards in our half and towards the opposition goal we wanted a set piece. We never asked the referee but when the ref was looking for an advantage we would just stop until he inevitably blew. "No advantages today pal" or something similar is what we'd say to the ref. But it never occurred to us to mention it to the referee before the game. Think we missed a trick there!
My favourite was a striker clattered on the penalty spot who got up screaming for a penalty. He hadn't realised that the ball had spun off the defender and into the goal.
result is captain taking a card for the team's dissent.

I trust he was dissenting as well? (There is no basis in Law for cautioning a captain because the team is dissenting; but if you mean that you picked him as the one among the dissenters to get a caution, I agree it (usually) makes sense to caution the worst offender rather than multiples.)
Absolutely hate those decisions where you give a free kick, potentially a card and the fouled player and defender both know what's up. And then you hear the full bench and everyone from about 80 yards away complaining about the call as of I wasn't ten yards but ten lightyears away
"Foul throw" whenever a perfectly legal throw is made to a teammate closer than 10 yards
"handball" Now after literally ANY ball to hand contact
"In the back" if a players so much as brushes his pinky against an opponent's back
"he got the ball" when a defender gets half a stud on the ball and completely wipes out his opponent
"Foul throw" whenever a perfectly legal throw is made to a teammate closer than 10 yards
"handball" Now after literally ANY ball to hand contact
"In the back" if a players so much as brushes his pinky against an opponent's back
"he got the ball" when a defender gets half a stud on the ball and completely wipes out his opponent

I feel like you've just described every single Sunday morning game I've had this season :wall:😆
"Foul throw" whenever a perfectly legal throw is made to a teammate closer than 10 yards
"handball" Now after literally ANY ball to hand contact
"In the back" if a players so much as brushes his pinky against an opponent's back
"he got the ball" when a defender gets half a stud on the ball and completely wipes out his opponent
thats it. Just yes
"Foul throw" whenever a perfectly legal throw is made to a teammate closer than 10 yards
"handball" Now after literally ANY ball to hand contact
"In the back" if a players so much as brushes his pinky against an opponent's back
"he got the ball" when a defender gets half a stud on the ball and completely wipes out his opponent
The good thing about those 4 being so familiar is that I already know exactly what I say in answer to each one!
"Ugly but legal",
"Noooooooo!" or "Not deliberate"
"He didn't push" and
"Doesn't make it legal"

It's basically an automatic thing now! They say it, I give the textbook response and everyone moves on.
Funny one this morning. My game is a late call off due to a positive covid test so I do a local adult friendly. This league has 4 divisions, with 1 division having no fixtures each week due to a lack of refs! Decebt idea but such a shame its come to this.

Anyway, chatting to the away team player coach, he says he's got a back injury and will only come on if their desperate but really doesn't want to. His team go from 4-0 down at half time to 4-4 with 30 seconds remaining. Nothing happens in the last 30 seconds and I blow the final whistle. As we're tapping elbows etc, he comes marching up screaming that I've not played the full 45 mins. I show him my watch and he tells me that it must be faulty 🤣 i show him the other watch and ask him if this one is faulty too. He walks off mumbling something with all his team mates taking the micky out of him 🤣 poor lad thought there was 10 mins to go and fancied being the hero.
Now you've mentioned that Ben - agree - querying time keeping is definitely up there in my top 3 most annoying moans..

Similar to you I have used the line " I have two watches and they both work "
The good thing about those 4 being so familiar is that I already know exactly what I say in answer to each one!
"Ugly but legal",
"Noooooooo!" or "Not deliberate"
"He didn't push" and
"Doesn't make it legal"

It's basically an automatic thing now! They say it, I give the textbook response and everyone moves on.
Proud to announce that I used 2 of these in my game yesterday.

"Ugly but legal" went down a storm after a dodgy looking throw-in.

Rolled out "doesn't make it legal" at the end too. Gave a penalty in the last 5 mins for a scything down in the box and got met with a barrage of "he got the ball ref".
I have delayed a restart many times at OA to say to all players.

okay we've established that you've all got a back, not please stop shouting in the back for every challenge

It actually works
Cherry bomb time.

Most annoying reaction to correct decisions? BBC opening a Have Your Say on it/ Match of the Day posting on Facebook and inviting “informed” interaction