Conversely, there's the French referee from a few years ago who kicked out at and then red carded a player who accidentally crossed paths with him and tripped him up. He was "encouraged to retire early" as a direct result of that incident.
A&H International
Can't remember the player, but wasn't there a similar incident involving Darren Drysdale (where he actually appeared to headbutt a player) reasonably recently? I don't recall him getting a particularly long ban.
It was Alan Judge of Ipswich. There was no physical contact, but it wasn't a good luck for a referee to be going head to head with a player like that, and Drysdale was suspended for 4 games. Mitrovic made physical contact, and had Chris Kavanagh not backed away it could have been a lot worse, I actually think had De Gea and Boa Morte not got between them we could have been looking at a much more serious incident.

So if Drysdale got 4 games, it has to be at least double that for Mitrovic.
I’m guessing we will see six matches, which I think will be far too lenient.

If the FA is thinking 10 games and Fulham has 11 or 12 left, just make it a ban for the rest of the year. For only a game or two more, the optics of a suspension for the balance of the season would look a lot better.
FA statements are out

Fulham, Marco Silva and Aleksandar Mitrović have been charged following the incidents that took place in or around the 72nd minute of their tie against Manchester United in The FA Cup on Sunday 19 March.

It’s alleged that Marco Silva used abusive and/or insulting words and/or gestures and/or behaviour towards the match referee; that he used abusive and/or insulting words towards the fourth official prior to his dismissal; and that he also used abusive and/or insulting words and/or gestures and/or behaviour towards the fourth official after being sent off.

It’s further alleged that in throwing a water bottle in the direction of the assistant referee his behaviour was improper.

The FA has claimed that the standard punishment which would otherwise apply to Aleksandar Mitrović for the sending off offence of violent conduct that he committed towards the match referee is clearly insufficient.

In addition, Aleksandar Mitrović’s behaviour and/or language was allegedly improper and/or abusive and/or insulting and/or threatening following his dismissal.

It’s also alleged that Fulham failed to ensure its players conducted themselves in an orderly fashion.
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Comes down now to which independent appeal committee they get at Wembley for the hearing. Having had first hand experience of Wembley appeal hearings it is at best variable. For the last one I went to one of the (very) elderly gentlemen on the panel kept falling asleep and when I queried this I was told "yes, that happens all of the time". In fairness that was with the old system of council members sitting on hearings, hopefully now it is independent panels it will be better, but I'm not holding my breath.
Surely the closest comparison to what Mitrovic did is the David Prutton and Paolo Di Canio incidents which saw the players suspended for 10 and 11 matches respectively.

I would hope for nothing less than a ten match ban in this case also.
Any comments about the charges / potential suspensions should be made to the new thread. Please keep this thread to other comments about the match.