My County FA is doing my head in

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A. Referee

New Member
Long time listener, first time caller...just feeling very GRRRR and needing to vent...but wot with all the snoops and snipes and the powers that be having my balls in a cup...

They just don't seem any help. Not nice people. Nothing but criticism when it seems I'm doing a good job.

Is it a test to see if I'll crack? That's about the only positive spin I can put on it.

Enough for now...
A&H International
Welcome to the forum mate. What's up (aside from the strong dislike, distrust and general dislike again for your cfa)?
@A. Referee .......Please call back mate ....?

Sound like a job for the Referee Samaritans

They will make or break you depending on who gets to you first ;)
Easy to get caught between a rock (CFA) and a hard place (teams/players/managers).
Hold the line please caller ... we'll be with you after this short commercial break ...

caller welcome back! what's the issues here?
Thanks all for encouragement, actually makes me feel better about this. I'm not too sure what to say and wouldn't want to go into specifics in case I got identified and it created problems. Do other people relate though? It's not just me who thinks that some of the people at his County FA are obstructive, nit-picky, negative, unreasonable, inconsistent, rubbish at encouragement, confusing, and generally give the impression that they wish I wasn't trying to get promoted? While at the same time putting pressure on to satisfy the promotion criteria, which makes me think they do want me to succeed after all?

I get the tiniest thing wrong and it's blown out of all proportion. They get things wrong too, but I'm terrified to mention it. I know what the "powers-that-be" can be like when they get the hump about something.

And, like I say, it's not like I'm doing a bad job. My marks are good. The feedback from the teams and assessors is good. I think I'm a pretty decent ref - until I talk to them, that is.

Thanks again.
So...you've not really received any advice or encouragement in this thread but you're thanking us for it anyway....

Of course you can't go into specifics......that would involve actually having to reveal some details of what the problem is.......rather than just post vague references to something that may, or may not, have happened.

All in all.....0 out of 10 for trolling effort.
i have deleted the last 2 posts (only deleted yours @RegalRef as it quoted the other one).

Enough with the personal attacks fellas. Seriously.
He'll definitely be on time to collect it. I mean you don't need to worry about injury time when you run with your cards in your hands to save yourself getting Repetitive Strain Syndrome.

#SayNoToCommonSense #PadfootAgainstPlayerManagement
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