Never seen anything this disgraceful in my life


New Member

Hopefully the referee is okay. The player in question should never play again and will be looking at a lengthy jail term hopefully
A&H International
May I point out that the multiple replay video with techno music is disgraceful as well, the gesture is considered like it was an incredible goal from Neymar
Sadly, this is more symptomatic of the problems in Argentine football as a whole. It has the best player in the world but arguably the worst fan and player culture.
Putting aside the assault, I was equally shocked by the lack of empathy by the Ferro (Greens) team after the punch. It borders on contempt from a couple of them. One does realise the gravity of the situation and drags the offender away and another seems genuinely shocked but perhaps that was more to do with being a secondary hit in the incident. The rest just walk away and offer no help.
Incidentally, the player who threw the punch is a brother of a Fiorentina player.
Thankfully (I think), the ref remembers nothing of it.
Not excusing the action one bit but new refs should watch this for how NOT to caution someone.
Referee attempted to show a red card with 4 players within punching distance of him!
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