The Ref Stop

New but Returning Referee


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I've been lurking on these forums for a little while, I qualified as a 14 year old and did lots of games before starting a job and a family

Now at 31, I have signed up for my course to become qualified again and can't wait to get started!

I'm sure I'll post plenty more going forward!

The Ref Stop
Snap, really enjoying it again roughly 15 years between qualifying and re-joining. I don't watch football but it's amazing the laws you remember and having to adjust to the new ones haha. Remember first game back thinking why is only one player in the centre circle and also goal kicks not having to leave the box before touching another player that one nearly threw me. I'd read the laws again but they felt unnatural ha!
Snap, really enjoying it again roughly 15 years between qualifying and re-joining. I don't watch football but it's amazing the laws you remember and having to adjust to the new ones haha. Remember first game back thinking why is only one player in the centre circle and also goal kicks not having to leave the box before touching another player that one nearly threw me. I'd read the laws again but they felt unnatural ha!

Wait until you need to do a drop ball. As for handball, just make it up and change your mind every 6 months like IFAB do :)
Do either of you guys know where to get a decent set of cards, not the plastic crap wallet that you can buy on Amazon, I was hoping that there would be somewhere to buy a decent set? Where do the prem refs buy their equipment. So..... glad I bought a set of touchline flags they're as rare as rocking horse s**t these days. Not that I use them for youth games as I have another set.
Oh my days! The new handball and drop ball! Absolutely crazy!

The "newest" handling really is back to the past with different words. What is set out as "biggering" as separate from deliberate is pretty much what was taught as part of the meaning of deliberate before they started mucking around.

So the only real differences, IMO are
  • The inadvertent handling by the attacker who immediately scores, and
  • The ridiculous bottom of the arm pit definition of where the arm starts
Do either of you guys know where to get a decent set of cards, not the plastic crap wallet that you can buy on Amazon, I was hoping that there would be somewhere to buy a decent set? Where do the prem refs buy their equipment. So..... glad I bought a set of touchline flags they're as rare as rocking horse s**t these days. Not that I use them for youth games as I have another set.
Best wallet I've found is this from Diamond Sports: . The match cards it comes with are rubbish, but you can get/make better ones and the standard size fits. And the red/yellow are good chunky plastic, but the ones that came with mine weren't particularly square, so I don't know how much that will bother you!

And of course, there's the website affiliated with this forum, who sell all sorts of card sets: