New first game!

Steve C

The Unfit one!
So as i posted on a previous thread i was supposed to have my first game on sunday. Changed! Got a call not 10 mins ago asking me to be AR on a Welsh Cup game between Barmouth & Dryffyd and Llandudno Junction. Should be good!
A&H International
It's actually 'Dyffryn' But I'll let you off this time ;)!

Be prepared to get changed in the smallest changing room you will come across in North Wales though, shockingly small!!

Let me know how you get on though.
You shouldnt really let me off Sion because i checked it twice before posting :') what a fantastic start, i dont even know the team im reffing haha :')
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UPDATE: Anglesey and Gwynedd League manager came to see my AR role on saturday and praised my game, he said hes going to get me onto AR for Welsh Cup Round 1 so thats a plus! The only negative was I had a great game on sunday but the assessor didnt show up!! Ah well, just have to repeat it haha!
Steve, love your enthusiasm. Hope it continues as your career progresses.

Word of advice, be careful naming teams in the public domain. Could come back to bite you on the backside.