
A&H International
What a talented player but lets himself down. He is the epitomy of everything that is wrong with modern footballers.

I'd love to know how much time was lost assessing/treating his "injuries".
he is an attention seeking brat who can clearly play football but cant thrive unless the spotlight is on him, in games I have seen where he hits the deck and play simply goes on, he loses interest because nobody is cared about him, but, give it half a chance for him to remind everybody that he is there, he will take it.

Even retrospective action from FIFA or whoever wont stop it, it would need Brazil itself to say, sorry son, the way you are behaving n the pitch is not ethical so we are no longer selecting you for games. Only then would anybody start to moderate their behaviour
He has the French footballers disease. In France it is regular to see players falling and diving with loud screams, as if they have been shot. I tell them to get up, their injury suddenly disappears.
It is worth noting that most of the French national team play their club football abroad, and have been cured of this disease!!!
He has the French footballers disease. In France it is regular to see players falling and diving with loud screams, as if they have been shot. I tell them to get up, their injury suddenly disappears.
It is worth noting that most of the French national team play their club football abroad, and have been cured of this disease!!!
What level do you ref at?
And is it the same at U15, U16?
I referee both seniors and youth.

U15 not really, at U18 it is there but not as often as seniors.

Having refereed in England for over 30 years and 12 years in France, I have plenty of experience!
Je vais à Paris demain, vous voulez un réveil.

Vous pouvez essayer mais vous serez à 600 kilomètres!
I do t think I’ve ever had a player even attempt to act anywhere near as badly as that.

How do we remove gamesmanship from the game? Sure if a player has been fouled we can’t then caution them for acting like a prat, can we?
Absolutely. Its a difficult one but use "attempts to deceive the referee e.g. by feigning injury". You can also use "shows a lack of respect for the game". But in a stage like the world cup, do that to Neymar if he has been fouled and expect to get sent home. What I would like to see FIFA do is retrospective fines for "Bringing the game into disrepute". Even if it is quashed on appeal, it sends a clear message to players and fans.
Absolutely. Its a difficult one but use "attempts to deceive the referee e.g. by feigning injury". You can also use "shows a lack of respect for the game". But in a stage like the world cup, do that to Neymar if he has been fouled and expect to get sent home. What I would like to see FIFA do is retrospective fines for "Bringing the game into disrepute". Even if it is quashed on appeal, it sends a clear message to players and fans.

Surely the problem there is that we as referees are unable to tell how much a foul etc hurts, or how a player normally reacts to pain.

As an example, I have nerve damage in my left leg, thankfully it is improving, but depending where on my thigh I get hit controls how much it hurts. Most of it has normal feeling but there is a part which is numb, so feel very little unless a very hard strike, but another part is very sensitive, and walking into the arm of chair has put on the floor gasping for breath.

Would it be fair if I was playing in a game, get a relatively light knock on that part of my leg and go down like a sack of spuds that I get cautioned for it?

Sure it looks ridiculous, but if looking ridiculous was an offence half of the players in the premier league would get cautioned for their hairstyles etc.
Surely the problem there is that we as referees are unable to tell how much a foul etc hurts, or how a player normally reacts to pain.

As an example, I have nerve damage in my left leg, thankfully it is improving, but depending where on my thigh I get hit controls how much it hurts. Most of it has normal feeling but there is a part which is numb, so feel very little unless a very hard strike, but another part is very sensitive, and walking into the arm of chair has put on the floor gasping for breath.

Would it be fair if I was playing in a game, get a relatively light knock on that part of my leg and go down like a sack of spuds that I get cautioned for it?

Sure it looks ridiculous, but if looking ridiculous was an offence half of the players in the premier league would get cautioned for their hairstyles etc.
Sure but you don't roll 15 times or move like a fish out of water once you go down. As referees (or even as just football players/fans) you become a good judge of seeing if someone is in real pain or he is just a brat who is trying to get you to reach for your cards.

The funny thing is the few times Neymar has actually been injured in tackles, he has gone down without the play acting.
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I got studded in the ankle once, was in tears and didn't move. Referee didn't even give a foul! :(

I do tend to agree that if it is a serious injury then its likely the player won't be rolling around for days. Fortunately, I don't think I've seen such exaggeration at grassroots, I think they'd have the piss ripped into them in the pub post-match if they do?
I remember a showboating loved himself striker get kicked to bits by an all black team I used to referee, I knew them well and it wasn’t the same player every time. He lost his rag and violently shoved this certain defender who he blamed for them all, it floored him so I walked him! Pretty boy wasn’t happy! :redcard:
I've had plenty of injuries over the years, and when they are bad ones the last thing you would even consider is rolling around. When I completely tore my calf I screamed, fell over, and laid completely still until the physio got to me. Which was a tad unfortunate as I was dressed all in black at the time and holding a whistle, but I can guarantee Neymar would have been the same had he suffered that injury.
Interesting piece on the subject at hand...


New word of the Tournament.... Sh1thousery!!!! :devil:

I agree with the point that brandishing the cards would help to get rid of dissent etc - Sanchez only buggered off when Mr. Grieger said 'if you don't move away I will have to send you off' (assuming my lip reading was correct), but to be honest, I'd applaud him further had he cautioned some of the other dissenters.

I don't think play-acting is going to be something that can be dealt with just at the World Cup though. As the journalist touches upon, it's a cultural thing in football depending on where you are in the world. That suggests that it will need national FAs to clamp down on it - To be honest, I stopped watching La Liga a long time ago due to the constant play-acting that seemed to happen. Maybe it's changed?

But anyway, if they clamped down on playacting and diving at the World Cup, it would only be a temporary respite once all the domestic leagues start up again unless the FA's follow through with whatever initiative FIFA promotes.