Nightmare Incident... Gives me the Campus Cup Final nod!

Steve C

The Unfit one!
Greens (3rd) vs Yellows (6thish)

Couple of mandatory yellows to green for blatant holding/shirt pulling and verbal distraction while up for a header.
Yellows winning 4-2, tackle from yellow goes in on green, reckless, late, i run over issue the card and tell the player no more or he's off so that everyone can see I've dealt with it so it should minimise backlash. Green reacts a bit by pushing the lad to the ground as hes trying to get up so I tell him i understand why he's upset but to calm down and let me deal with it as he should concentrate on the football and Ill concentrate on the players who infringe the game. As im giving him the small lecture he peers around me to look at the player getting to his feet and calls him a 'F***ing Idiot', I then issue the lemon to him too and tell him, adopting an aggressive attitude/dissent and to put a lid on it. Green walks over to take him away, and as he walks away he turns around and shouts 'f*** off' aimed at either me or the tackler (either way I dont care, its a second yellow for dissent) issue the cherry, *cue greens surrounding me*. During the last half hour the lad sent off shouts things at me like 'Youre a magician ref' (he was Italian i think), and at the end of the game 'can i put my shoes on or is that a red too?'. Game finishes 5-3 to yellows and the greens GK comes over 'whats your name ref?' So i reply, 'Why?' he says he wants to report me to the FA... (Im nearly laughing inside thinking is this guy for real?). Unluckily for him and the lad sent off who was also chiming in, the league manager was on the sidelines for the second half... They both marched over followed by me and the GK said 'ive done the reffing course and the first thing they teach you is player management and not being card happy about it'. (again, here comes a lad whos a level 15 so watch out!). I explain to them both in the little meeting why he got binned and (thank you last weeks ref) 'never got booked last week for doing it 10 times let alone once' (i also happen to know in that game there was a fight and 3 players got binned due to poor match control). I was swift to point this out to him. He also accused me of booking 6 players when they didnt make one tackle all game... i booked 3, 2 as shown above (mandatory) and I mistook the identity of someone so overturned a card I had shown for simulation, so in effect, I called his BS. The league manager intervenes with 'the 3 categories for tackles are careless, reckless, EF, that tackle was reckless, nothing more, the yellow was correct and the ref had warned him about his conduct so he was correct in the subsequent yellows. So if you wish to report this higher to the university and/or the FA, then do so but as league manager witnessing the incident, I am fully backing the referee as he was correct in his conduct completely and your report will get nowhere.' Spoke with the LM after the game and he said '100/100 for that second half, great match control, great incident tackling (if you'll pardon the pun) and all round good decisions, Its very likely youll get the campus cup final now after that, if you think you can handle it.' RESULT!

Sorry for long post, just thought you guys might like to hear a victory for the refereeing side of the fence!
A&H International
Nice one Steve i love the "im gonna report you brigade "

Had one last season after the final whistle (and a last minute semi final defeat) who told me his dad was high up in the FA and i was finished And so on Blaaah

I sent him off ! :D
Technically you may have been wrong in law (if I can remember correctly, I dont have lotg beside me at the moment). You said that player said "f*** off" either to you or his opponent and you cautioned for dissent. I'm almost certain that dissent can only be against the referee and not a player/manager/spectator. If he appeal or complains and you were wrong in application of law he may win.
Reckless, late, i run over issue the card and tell the player no more or he's off so that everyone can see I've dealt with it so it should minimise backlash. As im giving him the small lecture he peers around me to look at the player getting to his feet and calls him a 'F***ing Idiot'

During the last half hour the lad sent off shouts things at me like 'Youre a magician ref' (he was Italian i think), and at the end of the game 'can i put my shoes on or is that a red too?'

Both in the little meeting why he got binned
. I was swift to point this out to him

Mistook the identity of someone so overturned a card I had shown for simulation, so in effect, I called his BS

1) Good to get on top of it stamp your authority, but instead of issuing the card, isolate him away immediately to diffuse the situation and then caution. You say he looked over your shoulder to the player - if you had isolated him away, so that YOU had ALL players in view - he would of had his back to the player, and this could have been avoided.

2) After sending off the player - why was he in the vicinity of the FOP?

3) Why did you have a lengthy discussion? Simply state that you will not be discussing the matter.

4) Not quite sure about the overturning bit, can you explain what happened please.

Looks like you did what you had to, but there is always room for development!
Did all this happen AFTER the first YC?
I dare say once you've isolated the offender, got his name, and carded him it usually would have calmed down in that 30 seconds.
From the OP it sounds like you literally cautioned him as he was standing over the play he just fouled.
Not knocking you. All sound completely legitimate YCs and I prefer this to the "10 cautions a season" brigade any day.

I gladly give my name to anyone who asks for it. I even offer them my pen and a bit of paper.
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I gladly give my name to anyone who asks for it. I even offer them my pen and a bit of paper.

Personally, I refuse and ignore them, but every referee is different. It is a pathetic attempt at trying to gain power and belittle you- a threat with no substance.
Ignoring the fact my name is on the teamsheets (idiots), I think not giving my name makes it look like I'm scared they'll complain.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Go nuts mate, the league will laugh at you scribbling "I fink da ref was rubbish cos he kept on yellowing us for arguing with his decisions... we didn't even swear at him!!!"
Most wouldn't even know who to complain to.
@drahc , I went into where the tackle was, I issued the yellow to the player who made the tackle, and told him no more or hes off and sent him on his way, the player tackled then pushed him, I pulled the player tackled to one side (a good 5-10 yards away from the incident place and the other players) and thats when he looked around my torso (I stood between the players as it makes it seem like more of a wall in the way so he cant go over and retaliate (at 18stone, he aint getting past me)), (he was smaller than me by a long way) and shouted ****ing idiot at the tackler (booking 1) then as a team mate took him away after his lecture, he then turned around to the 2 of us as I had to have a second word with the tackler as I didnt want backlash from the comments made and he shouted **** off at our direction so booking 2, he was 10 yards or so away from the pitch but the league manager was there and was keeping a close eye on him, (generally for campus games we have no problems with people sent off as most players are sensible and know why a player was binned), I was having the discussion as I'm more than happy to explain my decisions (especially as the League Manager wanted to know my reasoning too) so by doing that the LM could close the matter quickly by ironing out any questions there and then, not having discussions over the coming days (15 min discussion was done, end of story so they didnt bother appealing). What do you mean about the over turning bit?
@drahc , I went into where the tackle was, I issued the yellow to the player who made the tackle, and told him no more or hes off and sent him on his way, the player tackled then pushed him, I pulled the player tackled to one side (a good 5-10 yards away from the incident place and the other players) and thats when he looked around my torso (I stood between the players as it makes it seem like more of a wall in the way so he cant go over and retaliate (at 18stone, he aint getting past me)), (he was smaller than me by a long way) and shouted ****ing idiot at the tackler (booking 1) then as a team mate took him away after his lecture, he then turned around to the 2 of us as I had to have a second word with the tackler as I didnt want backlash from the comments made and he shouted **** off at our direction so booking 2, he was 10 yards or so away from the pitch but the league manager was there and was keeping a close eye on him, (generally for campus games we have no problems with people sent off as most players are sensible and know why a player was binned)

EXACTLY! ALL OF THIS COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. You've got on top of the tackle, quickly, which was good. Then you have to take control of the situation. You did a Premier League Type caution, which we advise not to do at grassroots.

Get to the incident and tell the tackler to move away. He is now away from the tackled player, who cannot push him. You can manage as appropriate, dealing with any injuries and then caution the offending player, whilst having a public word (it seems this tackle warranted more than quite word, which aggravated the tackled player) AND EVERYTHING ELSE HAS BEEN AVOIDED - no sending off.

Also, although this happened, you did well to isolate the player. BUT, never put yourself between players. Obviously from a safety point of view, but also, you will have your back to one of them. If there had been a fight behind you, you're stuffed. You could have pulled the player away, so that his back is to the players, and you can see the main mass of players behind him. He can then calm down, and you can chat with him.

I was having the discussion as I'm more than happy to explain my decisions (especially as the League Manager wanted to know my reasoning too) so by doing that the LM could close the matter quickly by ironing out any questions there and then, not having discussions over the coming days (15 min discussion was done, end of story so they didnt bother appealing). What do you mean about the over turning bit?

Poor practice form the league manager. He should know that any matters should be dealt with at least 30 mins after the final whistle, as straight after the game is where emotions are running high etc... I would have told the league manager that he can speak to me later on, or on the phone afterwards. And also, by him speaking to you WITH the sent off player, is just creating a hostile environment.

Once a player is sent off, they should be removed form the vicinity of the field of play, and remain that way.
Yeah, thats fair, if it was a normal league game I'd have done that after the match, but as its internal campus football there are a few loose ends that flutter about but its still one of the most relaxing ive been in so theyre doing something right!

But yeah with the actual incident, i thought I did ok with it but always room for improvement
Yeah, thats fair, if it was a normal league game I'd have done that after the match, but as its internal campus football there are a few loose ends that flutter about but its still one of the most relaxing ive been in so theyre doing something right!

But yeah with the actual incident, i thought I did ok with it but always room for improvement

Good stuff Steve. Always room for improvement mate!

Thanks @Beezer