No linesmen?

My thoughts on CARis is irrelevant to the pertinency of my question. Your rude answer to my respectfully asked question was pretty pathetic really, my question was to the relevancy of a blind number given to a League on a nameless individual helps what?? Please enlighten me respectfully without pontificating off your high horse!
I'm more than happy to answer a question. I just struggled to cope with the fact that your question directly contradicted the opinion laid out in your previous post. And also, you're now asking a question that I've clearly and politely answered a few posts earlier. But fine, I'm sure you're not trolling and so I'll play along....
[...]the purpose of it is to give an award to the team that gets the best overall mark across a season, to try and encourage positive CAR's. Obviously you can argue how effective or not that may be, but it's a positive reward for one team across a season, not a negative to target at poor AR's.
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A&H International