not my best game

Sheff Ref

Level 6 Referee
So I'm going for 7 to 6 this year, everything has gone relatively well and had some nice comments from clubs until Saturday morning......

I had a game and certain players were challenging every decision. I was quite confident that I was managing the game well enough until the second half. This was a cup game and the home team were winning 3-1 but then I lost control during a spell where I awarded the away side 2 penalty kicks which both got converted. I doubted myself and with no assistants, I spoke to the player who had been fouled to confirm if I had understood the situation correctly. This undermined my match control and looking back made me look weak. I also had a confrontation after a bad tackle on the player who was moaning at every decision, caution for the challenge and two cautious for players who adopted an aggressive attitude. Thinking back on this game, I should have cautioned earlier in the game when my match control was initially challenged openly and publically. Hopefully my overall club marka will be able to get me level 6 but if not I know I will be a stronger ref after this game and I will get 6 next promotion season.
A&H International
Sounds to me like you did your best. That's why I think they don't take one bad game over alot of good ones, look at Martin Anderson for a prime example in the FIFA level. (I'm not sure I got that name right, someone correct me if I'm wrong.)
Sounds to me like you did your best. That's why I think they don't take one bad game over alot of good ones, look at Martin Anderson for a prime example in the FIFA level. (I'm not sure I got that name right, someone correct me if I'm wrong.)
My bad. It was Martin Hannson.
I doubt if one single game will bring down the club marks so dramatically as to cause you issues with promotion. Clubs have to justify giving low marks to a referee which makes them think long and hard about doing so. If the season has gone as relatively well as you say, you should be okay on that front.
You don't mention that the game was being assessed but at least you've self-evaluated your own performance and recognised areas where you went wrong or could have done better. Personally, I think that's a good trait to have. Try not to be down on just one game but improve on the weaknesses that you have identified and the rest will be just fine. I'd be champing at the bit for the next game on Saturday to do it better.
So I'm going for 7 to 6 this year, everything has gone relatively well and had some nice comments from clubs until Saturday morning......

I had a game and certain players were challenging every decision. I was quite confident that I was managing the game well enough until the second half. This was a cup game and the home team were winning 3-1 but then I lost control during a spell where I awarded the away side 2 penalty kicks which both got converted. I doubted myself and with no assistants, I spoke to the player who had been fouled to confirm if I had understood the situation correctly. This undermined my match control and looking back made me look weak. I also had a confrontation after a bad tackle on the player who was moaning at every decision, caution for the challenge and two cautious for players who adopted an aggressive attitude. Thinking back on this game, I should have cautioned earlier in the game when my match control was initially challenged openly and publically. Hopefully my overall club marka will be able to get me level 6 but if not I know I will be a stronger ref after this game and I will get 6 next promotion season.

Seems you came out a stronger and a better referee. Easy games will do you no good and most importantly you did not shy away from using your cards though you shouldnt rely on them too much.

Word of advice:

when a player openly/publicly challenges your authority/control especially at the early stages of any game, its the best thing that can happen to you. Deal with him openly/publicly (not neccesarily a caution) and lay down some markers. Remember you're not just dealing/talking with that single player at that point but the other 21 players and benches. Blow your whistle very loudly, call him over and with a loud voice let him know what you think exactly. Use hand gestures if you can thus making it obvious to everyone. If you feel the need to use your cards at the moment, please go ahead ( it's your call and what you deem necessary to assert control).
Appreciate all the comments. I will certainly start early doors with the open/public 'dressing down' to set a level then a caution after that wouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
Shef Ref, it must have been something about this Sunday.

I'm almost exactly the same as you. 7-6 been going ok (I think) however this Sunday was a mare. Got given my first game in the Prem. Division and learned before hand that both teams have history with each other oh and they are 2nd and 3rd in the league. Great!

Had a feeling that I'd be assessed but no one made themselves known to me before or at HT. Did the game which was bloody hard, and I'll freely admit that I got a few things wrong however I'd have said I was average, not best game but not my worst. As I'm walking back to the changing room a chap approaches me and lo and behold, assessor. Now the game kicked off about ten minutes late due to away team having four players stuck in traffic. Home team and me were fine with a small delay so nothing wrong there, however. First thing Mr Assessor says to me is well done on the pitch inspection BUT what about the boot and jewellery....... Oh cr*p! somehow and I still today don't know why, I totally forgot it. First time I've ever not done one and it had to be then. Bad marks for App of Law heading my way. Got a few other pointers and 'advice' (I'll make another thread on that for a specific question) but the assessor also picked up on me missing, in his words two clear instances of dissent/abusive language. He told me that he'd heard a player say to his manager that "the ref is a cheating c-bomb" now obviously I agreed that had I heard it, he'd have gone for OFFIABUS, but the assessor seemed to keep making the point that I should have heard it?

Oh well, I've learned and self assessed a load from this game and it was a very good learning experience. Will wait for the report and see what comes up, I hope that one (possibly) low score can't wreck a decent season and blow the promotion.

Onwards and upwards and good luck with the promotion come Feb.