Offinabus from physio


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Overheard at a supply league game this evening. Physio comes on to treat injured player and proceeds to give the ref a right earful, definitely dissent, clearly including quite a few choice words which were clearly offinabus and I was quite surprised at the torrent of abuse that was flowing at this point. Referee stood and didn't even acknowledge, played it pretty cool and the physio eventually got bored and nothing further came from it.

I'm aware that the physio is the only member of the technical area who can't be sent to the stands due to their importance, though am I right in thinking there we could threaten/follow up with a misconduct report in such a situation?
A&H International
The physio can be sent away from the FOP, providing that there is another medically trained person willing to take on the role, ie the other team's physio.
Otherwise you'd be reporting him, no reason to put up with it - and like anybody else, you'd try to manage it before reporting as much as possible.
this came up at a local RA meeting the other day. If he has clearly done enough to warrant removal from the game and he is the only first aider/physio etc; he is sent away from the immediate vicinity of the pitch, but told he needs to remain in a specified area so that if he is needed he can be called upon to come back. So not too far away, but away from the benches and not anywhere where he will be a pain in the bum.

He is also warned that any further misconduct will result in him being fully removed and the game would have to be abandoned in the name of player safety.

All explained in the presence of the manager/captain/team official (depending on level)