
RefChat Addict
I know that we all have our threshold with regards to dissent and, to a certain extent, the use of the F-word (i.e. directed at someone F-off or used in "normal" conversation, sorry ref I didn't f-ing see him). I have also seen references on this site regarding the use of the two C words (cheat being one of them). However, how would you deal with the use of the C word when it is not specifically directed at someone in an abusive manner?
During one of my last games of the season I had occasion to speak to a player who was getting niggly with an opposition player. There were no real offenses, just a minor bit of verbal and squaring up to each other. I went across to him and told him to behave himself and calm down. He replied along the lines of "That c-t keeps grabbing my shorts when I am near him." Language of the street or offensive language? It wasn't directed as an insult and was not particularly loud (i.e. audible to anyone on the sidelines) but it did take me back a little as I wasn't expecting it. I know that he would have been cardable but chose to warn him about his language, that I didn't particularly want to hear it,and that I would send him off if I heard it again. He didn't even apologise, just said "Ok ref, but can you keep an eye on him?" C-t is such an emotive word, what would you have done in this scenario?
A&H International
In the context of the game you decided the squaring up was not adopting an aggressive attitude? I used to let this go on occasion, now if it happens and they get my attention they are getting cautioned more than likely.

Not the question you asked, however!

The other part was handled fine. You made your thoughts clear. Nice.
Had the c word been heard by anyone else, I'd have probably walked him. Sounds like law 18 was used, in this case
Law 18? I've never seen a Law 18 before ;) Remember: we implement the laws, we don't have the authority to make them up.
That would be cool,... If the laws weren't so bloody vague and subjective at times!

I do agree with the intent of your statement, however. :)
The laws are actually generally clear and allow for a limited (but necessary) amount of wiggle room once you get into the advice on interpretation and other assistance published by those who have the authority to do so.

Okay, OFFINABUS? off you go! Defend that weak, do what you personally want to do wording
What I'm saying, though, is that your FA should have a series of additional guidelines to use in discerning whether or not something qualifies as OFFINABUS. The difference is, they have the authority to make those differentiations, we do not.