One line from the LOTG you wish EVERYONE knew...…..

Wrongly punished IMO. How can you know where the ball was going to be struck and have time to react!

So if a player was about to put a cross into the box and the defender does a superman style jump to block the ball, you wouldn’t give handball because they couldn’t predict where it was going?
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A&H International
See, there’s where I think the guidance is a mess, he’s a defender, his job is to defend, to defend with whatever it takes. I would hope that any defender makes himself big and stops a cross occurring. If his hands were already out there I’m struggling to say it’s ‘deliberate’ hand ball because you could equally argue that the attacker purposely struck the ball towards his hand. This unnatural position horsecrap gets on my wick, where’s he supposed to put them? Equally when then put their arms by there side I’m struggling to see deliberate handball from 2 yards. Of course if he’s danced his arms out to an already moving ball things could be different but I don’t grasp the making oneself big thing as deliberate hand ball as it’s got a chance to go anywhere so hows it deliberate on the defenders part!
OK - and where in the Laws does it say, "If the hands are in unnatural position, the referee must give a handling offence"?

I'm fairly sure the Laws actually say that "the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an offence."
The words 'unnatural position', did however emanate from FIFA or IFAB, which is why the media have portrayed it as Law
Defender standing 2 yards in front the a throw in / thrower with his hands up in the air. The hard throw clips the top of the defanders hand and goes to another defender. Would you not give hand ball?
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Match analysis considerations by FIFA. Latest I have is from 2015 but apparently the was one in 2017.
Wrongly punished IMO. How can you know where the ball was going to be struck and have time to react!
It's all contextual, but think player about to shoot and defender raises two hands together just before the shot, blocks it. It doesn't matter how fast it has come at them and how long they have had to react in that situation, they are intending to stop the ball with their hands.
It's all contextual, but think player about to shoot and defender raises two hands together just before the shot, blocks it. It doesn't matter how fast it has come at them and how long they have had to react in that situation, they are intending to stop the ball with their hands.
We”ll agree to disagree!
I really don't give a lot of handballs as I tend to err on the side on unintentional if I have any doubt, but if a player has his arms outstretched before the shot or cross is taken then I am going to find it very hard not to penalise him if the ball hits his arm. I'd have to ask what they were doing there. and if the answer is to make himself bigger that becomes a problem.
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It's all contextual, but think player about to shoot and defender raises two hands together just before the shot, blocks it. It doesn't matter how fast it has come at them and how long they have had to react in that situation, they are intending to stop the ball with their hands.
He’s making himself big doesn’t necessarily mean he 100% intended to handle a randomly struck ball from 2 yards blasted at him. That’s flakey justice!
He’s making himself big doesn’t necessarily mean he 100% intended to handle a randomly struck ball from 2 yards blasted at him. That’s flakey justice!

The intention of making yourself big to make it harder for the ball to get past you, I don't understand why you'd allow somebody to use their arms as part of that whether he intended to block the ball with his arm or not.
Spin that around, his arms were out there already there! How has he deliberately hand balled (hand towards a ball) something that wasn’t there when he put his hands there! It was only the actions of the attacker that put the ball there, not his!
Spin that around, his arms were out there already there! How has he deliberately hand balled (hand towards a ball) something that wasn’t there when he put his hands there! It was only the actions of the attacker that put the ball there, not his!

If you've out stretched your arm into a position where you've made yourself big to stop the ball moving past you, how can this not be considered a deliberate act? Just because you've guessed doesn't make the action any less deliberate, it just means you've guessed correctly.

What if a defender is stood on the goal line, dives to his right with an outstretched arm and makes a goalkeeper style save and tips it onto the post, but he dives just before the striker shoots? You can't make the argument 'it was the actions of the striker that put the ball there' surely?
Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball with the hand or arm.

The following must be considered:
  • the movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand)..... EXACTLY, NO OFFENCE
  • the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)....... TOO CLOSE. NO OFFENCE
  • the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an offence...... EXACTLY, NO OFFENCE
Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball with the hand or arm.

The following must be considered:
  • the movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand)..... EXACTLY, NO OFFENCE
  • the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)....... TOO CLOSE. NO OFFENCE
  • the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an offence...... EXACTLY, NO OFFENCE
Soooooooo I think we can safely assume, reading the above, that its a tad unrealistic to expect EVERYONE to know what constitutes deliberate handball then!;);)
I think that’s a very safe assumption lol.
Very much in the eyes of the ref in the moment.