OOps Mr Moyes!!!

A&H International
Apparently his is a totally prxck anyway...all premier leagues refs say he is by far the worst to deal with and his attitude stinks.
Looking into it, the reporter in question was reported as laughing and joking with moyes after the press conference and the statement was caught by a third party who reported it, not the recipient, during this conversation.

If that is true, this is a complete non story - they know each other/have some kind of working relationship, how many times do you say something to someone you know/work with which taken out of context would be considered offensive (LOTS!) but isn't in the context of your relationship? If, however, the first paragraph is wrong, then of course, he is a bellend.
Looking into it, the reporter in question was reported as laughing and joking with moyes after the press conference and the statement was caught by a third party who reported it, not the recipient, during this conversation.

If that is true, this is a complete non story - they know each other/have some kind of working relationship, how many times do you say something to someone you know/work with which taken out of context would be considered offensive (LOTS!) but isn't in the context of your relationship? If, however, the first paragraph is wrong, then of course, he is a bellend.
Saw the script and the interview, yes she was laughing but then was it a nervous laugh like you are taking the pee here or serious...trust me my monies on bellend!
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