Over 35s match


RefChat Addict
Actually enjoy these games as the players can be quite old school when it comes to playing, don't kick up too much of a fuss on challenges unlike a lot of "youngsters" in today's adult games.

Had a free kick I gave that led to one of the hardest takes I've seen in a long time, from about 25 yards, hit underside of the bar and go in. Amazing goal/free kick.
Player said to me "that came from that soft foul".
I said to him, but that's the point. Foul. Doesn't matter if its a "soft" one or a potential leg breaker, its a foul. This did make the scoreline 3-2 after they were initially 2-0 up (they went on to win 4-3).
4 yellow cards in end. 1 for me was an orange but wasn't really a bad match, despite the 4 cards, to warrant a red over a yellow.
This particular one the ball was there to be one, he came in foot high but to me didn't endanger the opponents safety. It was more reckless than anything. I may have gone red if circumstances in game were different and he connected with player but felt didn't need it on this occasion.
Different player felt otherwise. He thought it was straight leg boot out. I was looking straight at it, side on. I calmly disagreed with him.

But the good thing for me was at the end. Both teams came to me and said I actually done a very good job and look forward to seeing me again in the season.
A&H International
The thing about this age group is they still have decent physical ability but they are much 'smarter' that your average players. If you get a good level, some are even ex pro or semi pros. However they know how to get under your skin and use their experience to influence you to their advantage. The also whine the most out of all adult games and on your case all the time. But as you say after the game they all thank you for having reffed the game after it's done, even if you had a bad day as they understand the human side of referring better than youngens.