Pal v Eve

Exactly that. Never base your own decisions on what the appeal panels decide, as there is no guarantee what they decide is actually the correct outcome.

I think they do publish the written reasons, but usually a month or two after.
Where do they publish them? I've never ever seen one and I'm genuinely intrigued!
A&H International
Where do they publish them? I've never ever seen one and I'm genuinely intrigued!
I thought they were here, but this might just be for FA charges rather than red card appeals. I definitely saw one either earlier this season or the season before, but can't remember where.

There was a reason I only captured the "I can't see a foul."
I can accept a difference of opinion on card colour. Absolutely.
1 thing it can't be, with the benefit of replay of course, is no foul.
Leading foot with studs showing, contact with player in the mid shin. It lacks force I agree but that doesn't take away the dangerous element to the challenge.

I can support a red card here as this was so close to a much more severe outcome for the fouled player. As I regularly say, the players leg does not have to be hanging off before a foul is a red card. Football seems to be less and less accepting of this though.

I think if the referee gives a foul and yellow this doesn't get reviewed..I think it's the absence of a foul at all that then pushes the two VARs to send this down.

Overturned. I am 2 out of 2 on these now. It was no foul.
What does HW, now say to the PGMOL referees, "we need to stop giving these"?

We could see confusion as some challenges go unpunished or will PGMOL ignore the findings of the two recent RC over turns by the independent panel?