Pass back rebounds off post


Incident today. Defender deliberately passes back, keeper misses a kick at it, ball hits post, rebounds back out and keeper picks it up.

IDFK or play on?
A&H International
If the GK touched the ball when he tried to kick it, he is clearly allowed the pick it up after the miskick as that is an explicit exception in the Laws.

if he didn‘t miskick it, the book answer is probably that it is still a “pass back” violation. Whether the game expects that to be called is another question. I might deem it a miskick even if he missed, especially in lower level games.
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So it does!

All the players were shouting “don’t pick it up” to the keeper and nobody complained when I awarded an IDFK. Ultimately no goal was scored, so no harm and I have learnt another valuable part of the game!
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