Pen or pencil?


Active Member
Level 4 Referee
I was just wondering what people use. I can't make my mind up and I am often alternating in which I use.
A&H International
live dangerously, Greeny. maybe put your pen and your pencils in identical boxes (with cotton wool in to mask the sound of the pen or pencil rolling about). put them by the front door the night before a match, ask someone to shuffle them and then, as you leave for the match, grab one of the two boxes.

open it pitch-side and then feel the adrenelin flow.....works for me every time

p.s. a pencil for me (with a spare pencil in the other shirt pocket)
Pencil all the time.
Then when you right on card you can rub off easily when you submit it
Pen for me, unless it's raining, in which case I'll take a pencil with me too.
Always 2 pens (just in case).

Do you pencil guys carry a sharpener?
I think I saw you on crime watch on the other night.... CCTV of you fleeing an argos with handfulls of pens/pencils laughing maniacally... :D
To people who use the power tank pen, where do you keep it? I usually keep my pen in my left shirt pocket, using the clip to hold it there. when I tried the power tank pen the last two matches of the season (I'm refereeing in Norway), it fell out both times. It is relatively heavy, and the plastic clip is not tight enough.

I have now bought a few fisher space pen refills that fits in parker pens and put them in my Parker Jotters. The Jotter's clip is tighter, and it is not as heavy as the power tank, which should mean less jiggle when I run. The Jotter has never fallen out, but I have had issues with the ink in cold and/or wet weather. Hopefully this will be the best of both worlds.