Penalty shootouts


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I seem to have had some….odd.. moments in penalty shootouts this season.
I was in the middle for a county level u23 game (league cup) a few months ago and penalties were taken and I blew to end the shootout early (realising very quickly I had made a mistake and we still needed a penalty to be taken by the away side) and I did a u15 game a few weeks back and nearly did a similar thing before realising my error.

Penalty shootouts are a somewhat simple thing to referee, but I just seem to have blank moments.
It’s the sudden death where I always have a blank moment (or very nearly do!!)
Has anyone got any general advice on penalty shootouts ?
And does anyone know of a cheat score card thing (such as depending on who took first, score, how many left etc)

Thanks all !
A&H International
If I'm doing a game where it may go to penalties I normally just stick a blank piece of paper in my book just for that purpose.

I grid up part of it with 5 rows for the first takers, then a few extra spares. 2 columns and then name the columns once I know who's taking the first kick. Tick or cross from that point onwards.
I seem to have had some….odd.. moments in penalty shootouts this season.
I was in the middle for a county level u23 game (league cup) a few months ago and penalties were taken and I blew to end the shootout early (realising very quickly I had made a mistake and we still needed a penalty to be taken by the away side) and I did a u15 game a few weeks back and nearly did a similar thing before realising my error.

Penalty shootouts are a somewhat simple thing to referee, but I just seem to have blank moments.
It’s the sudden death where I always have a blank moment (or very nearly do!!)
Has anyone got any general advice on penalty shootouts ?
And does anyone know of a cheat score card thing (such as depending on who took first, score, how many left etc)

Thanks all !
I always mark out a little grid on the back of my notebook's match card before any cup match. ;) Probably almost exactly the same way that @Viridis1886 advised above. Just dissect the area in half with a vertical line and number 1-5 going across (on each side). You can then fit 6-10 and 11-15 (if ever needed though unlikely) directly below. Box these off with horizontal lines and you're good to go. I tend to use a circle to signify a goal and an "X" for a miss/save. Just make sure each team has taken an equal number of kicks before you blow that final whistle ... ;):p
Um, because that's the law (if they've gone beyond 5 kicks each) James. But you knew that already my pedantic follically-challenged chum .. ;) :rolleyes:
Well yes, if we have got past 5 each I will give you that. Not sure that's what your post said though. 🤪
I think the issue the OP was really flagging was after, say, the third kick knowing if you keep going or if a team has already won.

the simple math is this: add in your head the number of kicks left for the “losing” team to the points they have so far. If it reaches a tie or better, keep going.

The earliest kicks can end is at 3-0 after both teams have taken 3 kicks, so you do ‘t have to start thinking until then. And you can take your time—no rush to signal as soon as it is scored. The teams probably know (though not always). Re-check the math in your head before signaling the game is over. (I’d add that at some point it becomes second nature to know where you are. Like everything, as you do more of them, more parts become natural and habit.)
I think the issue the OP was really flagging was after, say, the third kick knowing if you keep going or if a team has already won.

the simple math is this: add in your head the number of kicks left for the “losing” team to the points they have so far. If it reaches a tie or better, keep going.

The earliest kicks can end is at 3-0 after both teams have taken 3 kicks, so you do ‘t have to start thinking until then. And you can take your time—no rush to signal as soon as it is scored. The teams probably know (though not always). Re-check the math in your head before signaling the game is over. (I’d add that at some point it becomes second nature to know where you are. Like everything, as you do more of them, more parts become natural and habit.)
Any referee who doesn't at the very least permanently record ie. by writing down what's happening during a penalty shoot-out is asking for trouble.

Just my opinion though ...
I just use X's and O's on the back of the sheet, just like they do on the TV. Only difference is I need the kicker numbers as well.

I can't ever remember a penalty shootout when the winning team haven't all charged down the pitch to jump on the winning taker / keeper. Not really any need to blow the whistle, the game ended at the end of the 90 minutes and you blew then.
I think the issue the OP was really flagging was after, say, the third kick knowing if you keep going or if a team has already won.

the simple math is this: add in your head the number of kicks left for the “losing” team to the points they have so far. If it reaches a tie or better, keep going.

The earliest kicks can end is at 3-0 after both teams have taken 3 kicks, so you do ‘t have to start thinking until then. And you can take your time—no rush to signal as soon as it is scored. The teams probably know (though not always). Re-check the math in your head before signaling the game is over. (I’d add that at some point it becomes second nature to know where you are. Like everything, as you do more of them, more parts become natural and habit.)
Thank you. That is indeed what I meant with how to know when it’s ended. I always find sudden death is especially where I have gone ‘blank’ with it. I guess it’s something I’ll learn over time.
Any referee who doesn't at the very least permanently record ie. by writing down what's happening during a penalty shoot-out is asking for trouble.

Just my opinion though ...
My first penalty shootout, I thought counting penalties is child play.

I literally had no idea what was happening after three kicks. Most stupid thing I have ever done.

I got found out and had to explain how much of an idiot I am, then basically re-enact the shootout so far while writing it down, basically 'right, who went first, yup I remember, you scored, who was second'.

So humiliating and I looked (and was) so incompetent. The players were so confused they didn't try to confuse me.

It was my third match I think.

How do you decide who takes the penalties and on what side. Two coin tosses? Do you just call the captains in at the end, let the away captain flip for what side and the home captain flip for who goes first?
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How do you decide who takes the penalties and on what side. Two coin tosses? Do you just call the captains in at the end, let the away captain flip for what side and the home captain flip for who goes first?
I usually do, heads is this end, tails is the other end (if both ends are suitable to use) and then the Away Captain calls for the second toss and winner gets to pick who takes first kick. Not completely sure if that's right though 🤷🏻‍♂️
Law 10 - Determining the Outcome of a Match:
  • Unless there are other considerations (e.g. ground conditions, safety etc.), the referee tosses a coin to decide the goal at which the kicks will be taken, which may only be changed for safety reasons or if the goal or playing surface becomes unusable
  • The referee tosses a coin again, and the team that wins the toss decides whether to take the first or second kick

So basically, we decide ends, and most (I'd imagine) will let the away side call for the 2nd toss. I would always do the toss for ends in front of the players to prevent any accusations of cheating etc
You can decide which end if there is a valid reason eg missed pens will end up in a river, or something H&S. Other then that a coin toss - heads this end, tails that end.

For first kick, then any variation of a coin toss works. I just do the same as I do at KO - you are heads, you are tails. Congratulations, what do you want to do - kick first or second?

Off we go.
How do you decide who takes the penalties and on what side. Two coin tosses? Do you just call the captains in at the end, let the away captain flip for what side and the home captain flip for who goes first?
Only the referee is allowed to toss the coin (in all coin toss events). That is prescribed in law and clarified by the recent law change explanation.

I simply assign an end as heads or tails, unless there is a security /safety issue... Eg heading to the end where there are no fans and loads at the other end is not a good idea as they are all then going to attempt to get to the other end at the same time - safety issue.
I then do, as I do for kick off, home heads, away tails, and the winner decides first kicker.
Thank you. That is indeed what I meant with how to know when it’s ended. I always find sudden death is especially where I have gone ‘blank’ with it. I guess it’s something I’ll learn over time.
Just do the "grid" pre match as suggested. (Always better than trying to quickly scrawl something out in the driving rain ;)). If you don't, then all you need is some sort of distraction during the shoot-out to happen and/or your memory/recollection to fail and you're buggered!! (Like @OldNavyRef above). :cool:
I'll have to share my first experience with a penalty shootout. I was brand new and center for a young boys (U12s I think because it was small-sided) semi final that needed a winner. It went to PKs. I used Xs and Os and awarded the game to the "Red" team after the 4th round. I explained that I didn't need to complete the 4th round or do the 5th because there was no way the "Blue" team could win. There was very little argument except from a few kids. I ended the game and went on my way. Later, my assignor called me and said that the Blue team was protesting. I explained what I THOUGHT happened and he said...Oh OK. Just send me your notes. I looked at my note pad and I realized that... somehow, I counted Xs as made kicks and Os as misses or something. My notes made no sense. I called my assignor back and explained. They decided to redo the shootout the next morning before the final. I was very upset with myself. That night, a fellow referee that I've known for years even before refereeing, calls me and asks me if I can be one of his ARs for a final tomorrow and to get there early for a shootout because some "idiot" goofed up the shootout earlier in the day. I told him that I could not AR for him because I was the "idiot" that goofed up the shootout earlier. I was soooooo embarassed.
That night, a fellow referee that I've known for years even before refereeing, calls me and asks me if I can be one of his ARs for a final tomorrow and to get there early for a shootout because some "idiot" goofed up the shootout earlier in the day. I told him that I could not AR for him because I was the "idiot" that goofed up the shootout earlier. I was soooooo embarassed.
Interesting to spot that about deciding ends as previously I've done the end choice as a toss similar to the 'who goes first' where I ask someone to call and the winning captain decides which end they're taken from. Didn't realise this was wrong in law.