Pet hates

Darren Amor

Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Quiet afternoon at work got me thinking. What is it that gets your goat about football. Not necessarily on the field but the build up and after the game.
I'll start things off. Crap showers. Running around for 90 minutes then having to drive home without a decent shower.
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A&H International
About refereeing or football generally? If the latter then without a doubt glory hunters, closely followed by time wasting.
Can't stand the diving and acting most players do to win free kicks :mad: It really annoys me and ruins the game :(
Hmm, where do I start?

Diving, time-wasting, cheating CAR's and my biggest one has to be the constant shouts of "in the back ref" EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!!

If we're talking football in general, I'll go with goal music, Sepp Blatter and the constant nonsense about City ruining football and buying trophies. Oddly, mostly by United fans, a team who currently have the most expensive squad in Premier League history!
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The crap showers thing is funny as there is a team I run the line on quite often due to living close by, they are a team in the second tier of Welsh football who also host UEFA women's euro qualifiers amongst other high level officials coming to ref them etc. Yet this team have the worst showers I have ever known, literally some times it's a dribble. I'm fine as I just drive home and sort myself out there, but some guys have 3+ hour drives ahead of them.

The really ridiculous thing is the secretary always enquires about the showers afterwards when paying us and ever time is shocked when told how bad they are.
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" I'm a level 5 ref, ref" followed by "its always offside from a throw in" or "from behind its always a red" or similar nonsensical comment!
I had to use a changing room tonight
Which had more in common with a building site than a changing room. Building supplies everywhere, paint, dust absolutely everywhere just popped my trackside bottom on after the game and left to had a bath at home.

Couldn't face the shower which was on the other side of the building site.

Reported it to the league. Won't make any difference.

Hate crap changing/shower facilities.
Crap pre-games when I'm running a line, referees who speak too much during the coin toss, and managers or players who apologize to me for committing fouls/wasting time etc (just don't do it, you haven't offended me!)