Played advantage, sending off

I lined once for a level 4, very good referee, very polite and effective before and during the game. Didn’t complicate it with his intros, bit of a greeting, hand shake, hows the season going and let’s crack on... why you would give the Gettysburg address is beyond me!
A&H International
If it was me doing a one off game at a decent standard, do you call managers in before game for a chat ?

Id say to them both so they knew, i dont give many pens or free kicks for hand balls its got to be deliberate and i wont be playing any advantages just so they know where they stand.

Nothing like backing yourself into a corner!
To be honest, Ryan. Whether right or wrong, that's exactly how I would have played it. I like to let the game flow for both sides. I think they have a cheek blaming you for their inability to capitalise on a good advantage call. But hey, that's the grief us guys get !!
Not sure if it is still in place, but when I was on the Conference, or National League as it now us, clubs had to send their captain and a senior member of the coaching staff to the team sheet exchange, along with the club secretary who would be there anyway. Not a lot said in my experience other than a meet and greet, referee would usually just say to the captain that he would talk to him at the toss, and to the coaches that if they had any questions they could come and see him 20 minutes after the final whistle.

Certainly made for some crowded changing rooms with 4 match officials and 3 reps from each club … !
If thats the case id go back on what i said and speak to nobody, was always under the impression refs had a pre match five minutes with both coaches.

Only ever happned to me once as a coach as i say in a county Final

I'll discuss objective things with the coaches in appropriate games. For example, I'll make sure coaches know tie breaking rules in the playoffs (which may be different at different points in the playoffs as early games may go straight to KFTM and latter games may have extra time) or field rules for an overhanging tree. But I will never discuss subjective things (how I might apply advantage or evaluate contact, etc.,)--all that can do is create boxes--"but ref, you said!..."
Hey team!

So there was a foul just inside the attacking team's half (counter attack) . I waited a second to see where the ball went. It went to their winger who was in loads of space and running towards their penalty area. I shouted advantage, gave the signal, took note of the player who committed the foul.

The player kept running, very promising attack, they had more numbers. On the edge of the area (so the advantage had gone from their own half to the edge of the area) the winger then lost the ball (air kick), got up and pushed over the defender in frustration (I blew up) and he then kicked the ball at away.

He was on a yellow, so I gave him a second yellow for getting up and pushing a player over in frustration/anger.

I gave the player who 'took one for the team' a yellow.

The manager and team went mental. Complaining that I played the advantage.

It took about 5 mins to calm the team down.

I said:
1) play until the whistle.
2) you had a clear advantage,. You took it (ran down half the pitch). What's better? A free kick in your half or being on the counter attack with 3v2 with a chance of scoring?
3) earlier in the game, I played advantage, the other team scored.
4) my decision to play the advantage isn't an excuse for the player to push over another player in frustration and boot the ball away.

Apparently I ruined the game and was a cheat haha..

Agree I made the correct decision? Would you have done anything different?
If you are a beginner especially, but whichever way, well done for this incident. Advantage yellow is once in a blue moon for me. To handle the whole scene-brilliant.

And ”cheat” or any synonym, as above, you have to come down hard. Red and report. I’ve had it once and I took it very personally - but it’s also obvious OFFINABUS. Any player/coach calling you a cheat has no excuse.
If you are a beginner especially, but whichever way, well done for this incident. Advantage yellow is once in a blue moon for me. To handle the whole scene-brilliant.

And ”cheat” or any synonym, as above, you have to come down hard. Red and report. I’ve had it once and I took it very personally - but it’s also obvious OFFINABUS. Any player/coach calling you a cheat has no excuse.

I just ignore most of the stuff players shout, unless they swear at me. Only sent one off this season for calling me a c u next tuesday.

So you'd send them off for calling you a cheat under offensive, insulting or abusive language?
I just ignore most of the stuff players shout, unless they swear at me. Only sent one off this season for calling me a c u next tuesday.
So you'd send them off for calling you a cheat under offensive, insulting or abusive language?
If you're happy to be called a cheat (or any derivative) but not a C&^% then you're not only letting yourself down you're letting every referee thats graced a football pitch down.... RC EVERY time... no ifs, buts or maybe's....
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Bit out-dated but a good start to see what's what!!

It's more than a bit outdated. Has sh!t in the same category as ****er, cheat in the same as sod off, F*ck as wholly in the red category but whore and slut in the orange areas. In fairness I can remember seeing this come out a long time ago, perhaps 15 to 20 years, and times have changed since then.