The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
It’s a red, but he’s also played for it. Ironically there’s more force in the push than the reaction, but everyone knows you can’t go for the face…
Just seen a clip on the Sky Score Centre app.

Massive over-reaction alround over absolutely nothing. - Keeper collects high ball, starts verbals with attacker who was in his airspace, another Preston player chirps in to stick up for his team mate, keeper shoves a palm in his face and Preston player hits the deck like he has been floored by a punch by prime Mike Tyson! Laughable and embarrassing in equal measure!
I agree it’s a huge overreaction, but if you’re stupid enough to put hands to face, you can walk for it 🤷‍♂️Wish those reactions could be punished…
Although it’s definitely the correct decision, I don’t like that it’s a red. The way it is benefits players who purposefully wind up opponents, cause situations and makes things difficult for the referee. He’s pushed the keeper with a decent amount of force. The keeper then reacts with a petulant hand in the face (enough force for a red, as you can’t go to the face with anything more than ‘negligible contact’). The person who started it knew he was gonna get a yellow and get the keeper sent off.

There’s so much sh*thousing in modern football, which makes our job so much harder than it needs to be
@alexv I agree. I think large amounts of the morality of players has gone, if it was ever there. Leads to more sh*thousery or whatever you want to call it, and generally, winding people up, conning refs and players by throwing themselves to the ground etc.

Makes our job far harder, and yet often we get the blame for not responding to it, instead of the players for playing into it
Silly by Meslier. Cost his team the game.

I thought the penalty was soft and it seemed like James initiated the contact and stood on the defenders foot then flung himself in the air.
@alexv I agree. I think large amounts of the morality of players has gone, if it was ever there. Leads to more sh*thousery or whatever you want to call it, and generally, winding people up, conning refs and players by throwing themselves to the ground etc.

Makes our job far harder, and yet often we get the blame for not responding to it, instead of the players for playing into it
That went a long long time ago
The Preston player could have had two cautions. one for the push. and one for the simulation. 10 v 10. been a fair outcome.
Feel like that’s the fairest outcome but one that you’d never expect or see
Feel like that’s the fairest outcome but one that you’d never expect or see
A caution for the GK would have been fair too. the touch to the face was minimal and wasn't violent in any way all all. more violence with people bumping each other with trolleys in the Xmas rush at Tesco.
A caution for the GK would have been fair too. the touch to the face was minimal and wasn't violent in any way all all. more violence with people bumping each other with trolleys in the Xmas rush at Tesco.
Oh, I think that's more than just minimal. It wasn't too terribly forceful - and certainly wasn't enough to make the player go down like he did, but it's still more than the negligible contact that the law allows.
Oh, I think that's more than just minimal. It wasn't too terribly forceful - and certainly wasn't enough to make the player go down like he did, but it's still more than the negligible contact that the law allows.
was it violent. no.
was it violent. no.
Rightly or wrongly, it's written in the Laws that non-negligible contact with the face / head area is Violent Conduct. In other words, it doesn't actually have to meet your / my belief as to what constitutes violence to be classed as Violent Conduct .....