
Book with pencil in top left, spare pencil top right, spare whistle shorts right, yellow shorts left, red back right in the shorts, and coin underneath my sweatband has never fallen out
A&H International
I never leave my kit bag in a changing room even locked,i have been to one sports centre where the ref's room got broke into and 4 ref's belongings got stolen.... i always have my bag at the the side of the pitch and away from both teams.So all my spares are in the bag and within easy reach(if you know what i mean)......and yes i do keep an eye on it and whoever is near it.
I never leave my kit bag in a changing room even locked,i have been to one sports centre where the ref's room got broke into and 4 ref's belongings got stolen.... i always have my bag at the the side of the pitch and away from both teams.So all my spares are in the bag and within easy reach(if you know what i mean)......and yes i do keep an eye on it and whoever is near it.

During breaks in play only I hope! ;-)
Notebook and cards right shorts pocket, sometimes pen too. Coin top right pocket, red and yellow cards top left and a spare pen.
I am forever paranoid about cards falling out of my side pockets, has this happened to anyone?
For me:

Top Left Pen and pencil
Top Right Coin (in first half - I put it back in my bag in second half)
Right Shorts Write on yellow card
Left Shorts Match pad and spare whistles
Back Shorts Red card
I go:

Left chest - yellow card
Right chest - coin and pencil
Right back - red card
Left shorts - spare yellow and red
Right shorts - match book (inc. pencil)
Left chest - Pen
Right chest - locker room key usually..
Right shorts - Yellow
Left shorts - Red
Wrist - Coin
And that's it, no match book, I write cautions and goals on my Yellow Card and sent off and subs on the red one
pinner paul it depends on what type the cards are i have had countless break on me over the years


The plastic "flip over" type wallets I've had break, but not the cards.

In fact as you tend to get the cards when you buy the wallet I've got loads of (unbroken) cards!!!!;)
Bought myself a card wallet with a hard back,hopefully it will survive a couple of seasons
If that's all it takes to get free stuff, let me just crank up the spam master 3000 and you will be seeing shameless "product placement" all over the place! :D
If that's all it takes to get free stuff, let me just crank up the spam master 3000 and you will be seeing shameless "product placement" all over the place! :D
If you start spamming SM, I will be forced to issue warning points and possibly a temporary posting ban ;)
The wallet I used was from JJB Sports about 7 years ago. Was more tape than plastic, but I was never a man for change!!