Junior/Youth Possible OFFINABUS and dissent?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

Pretty much brand new ref here, 4 games in, all at U12 and U13 so far. Feel like I am improving game by game but always trying to reflect back.

This morning, U12 end of the season game, there were two incidents I could use some experienced advice:

1. Notice two players having hand bags,nothing much in it really and I can’t hear anything specific being said. I call them both over for a quiet word. Player 1 then shouts loudly (in earshot of all players, managers and spectators including young children) “He called me a c***!”. Is this an offinabus even though not directed at anyone?

2. Towards the end of the game, home team losing 3-nil it’s clear they’re getting frustrated. Their manager starts to shout things like “C’mon boys you’ll get days when the ref is against you” or “He’s not on our side boys, play to the whistle”. Can the side-line manager be accused of dissent in this instance?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
A&H International
1) No sanction. Leave the boys in no uncertain terms, that you're in charge and won't stand for any more of it
2) Play on, wait for the moment to pass, wait for the ball to go out of play. Hold up proceedings, assertively remind the coaches of the league's code of conduct, empathise with their disappointment, play on. Any repeat, preferably warn, perhaps dismiss
Yellow cards and red cards for coaching staff come into effect next season btw
Never go on hearsay.... I had one black guy say in a headlocks handbags situation that he’d been called a ‘black @&£)... Other player then retorted back that he’d said F’kin @&£)... therefore admitting a crime.... so I sent them both off... fighting and OFFINABUS... next 👍
1) No sanction. Leave the boys in no uncertain terms, that you're in charge and won't stand for any more of it
2) Play on, wait for the moment to pass, wait for the ball to go out of play. Hold up proceedings, assertively remind the coaches of the league's code of conduct, empathise with their disappointment, play on. Any repeat, preferably warn, perhaps dismiss
Yellow cards and red cards for coaching staff come into effect next season btw

You absolutely cannot ignore 2. This is inappropriate behavior that needs to be squelched so it doesn’t continue.
I agree that number 2 cannot be ignored. I would submit a misconduct report regarding the comments that were made. Of course, from next season, you will be able to issue a caution to such a coach. Do not stand for it!
Well done to you, best wishes with everything and do bounce things off others on this forum and join your local Referee Society.
I agree that number 2 cannot be ignored. I would submit a misconduct report regarding the comments that were made.

You can only submit a misconduct report if you took action at the time, i.e. removed the coach for his comments. You could report it to the league for their awareness, but the coach can't be guilty of misconduct if no action was taken at the time.
You can only submit a misconduct report if you took action at the time, i.e. removed the coach for his comments. You could report it to the league for their awareness, but the coach can't be guilty of misconduct if no action was taken at the time.

I am in Wales so possibly different. I would ask the name in these circumstances and report. But easier from next season.
Does the new Law change that stipulates coaching staff can be carded from next season mean that they'll have to appear named on Whole Game in the same way that players are?
1) No sanction. Leave the boys in no uncertain terms, that you're in charge and won't stand for any more of it
2) Play on, wait for the moment to pass, wait for the ball to go out of play. Hold up proceedings, assertively remind the coaches of the league's code of conduct, empathise with their disappointment, play on. Any repeat, preferably warn, perhaps dismiss
Yellow cards and red cards for coaching staff come into effect next season btw

This, exactly. Ask, Tell, Send.