possible personal hearing


Level 7 Referee

Without going into too much detail, I was at a tournament in the u11s age group in a semi final about a month ago, A manager was being very aggressive towards me, swearing..... ETC, so I sent in a misconduct report, I have been reliably informed that he is going to appeal and take it to a personal hearing, he apparently has a witness saying that he didn't do anything ( but no one was with him apart from the other manager).

Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with it, how it works and what the possible outcomes of the hearing for me and for him please?
A&H International
Don't worry about it, the fa will always side with you if they can, stick to your story, don't speculate, just stick to the facts and you'll be fine :)
Thankfully I've never had to experience one. As HullRef said, stick to the facts and try not to worry too much about, it may not even come to a personal hearing.

You were abused and you did the right thing by reporting it, the FA will support you.
The only thing I am worried about is the fact that he has a "witness" so it would be my word against him and his "witness"
Honestly. Don't worry, go in, answer the questions, stick to what you've written in the report, and that's it!

He may not even appeal
It's fine, the key to a witness is their credibility, if it's his best mate/fellow manager then his evidence won't be as reliable as say the tournament organiser with no connection to the manager.

The fa will have been through this scenario hundreds of times, just believe in what you say, if you don't know an answer to a question, say you don't know, don't make it up based on assumption because it will make your side of the story questionable.

E.G. "Ryan, who won the tournament"
"I think it was (team x) because their striker was good"


"I don't know, I was quite shaken up by the unprovoked outburst of abuse aimed at me by (Mr manager)"

The latter sounds much better IMO and it would probably make the panel become more sympathetic towards you :)
If you are a member of a local RA ask for a senior colleague to come with you. I did when I had a personal hearing, made a big difference.

And it was said above, cannot stress it enough. Do not embellish, do not provide new information, stick to what you have written. It'll be fine. And you get to claim a match fee plus travelling expenses. Which is nice.
I agree with Ross, go in, support your written report by attending, and simply tell the truth by describing the facts.

Witnesses for offenders are usually the ones who tighten the noose, let them bull all they like.

SM's made a good point, take a senior/more experienced colleague along for support, remember your ABC mate.....Accurate Brief Clear
Only more point to make.

Other people has said ask a more experienced person to go with you. I would defentately recommend for a slightly different reason.

Let them do the driving so that afterwards you are not too distracted not to concerntrate on driving. They will allow you to remain focused.

In the personal hearing, the fa will speak deal with the manager. It is not you against him. Speak always and only the chairman of the panel not directly to the manager. As you are a witness not the prosecuter, he can ask you question. Just repeat what was in the report. Dont change your story.

Dont worry about it, tbe panel will stop any problems from the manager.
I think Lincs makes the best point here: it isn't you against him; you are there in order to provide clarity to some perhaps unclear points in your report, not to be cross-examined by the player. In my experience, they will often begin by asking if you have anything to add to your report. Usually, the answer is no (assuming you made a good report) and then they may ask you some questions for context, detail etc. that may help them make decisions.
A bit of an update, I have received a letter from my county FA, he has appealed and I have a personal hearing date of 2/7/14
Waste of money on the managers half, the only half chance of winning a personal hearing is with video evidence normally. I highly doubt he'll get anything out of the appeal, what is there to appeal?
Waste of money on the managers half, the only half chance of winning a personal hearing is with video evidence normally. I highly doubt he'll get anything out of the appeal, what is there to appeal?

I'd prefer not to go into detail just because anyone can view this thread even if they aren't a member, and I don't want to risk someone reading the details when they aren't meant to, if your that interested I'd be happy to discuss it over private message
Thanks guys, I'm speaking to my RA chairman to sort out a senior member coming with me.
Ryan - don't worry about it. You've submitted a report so just stick to the facts. As mentioned, they will ask you if you have anything else to add to your report, then the manager will have their statement read & his witness will be questioned. All you have to do is deny the things that didn't happen & confirm the things that did.
At the end of the hearing, you will all be asked to leave & at that point you can go home as you are no longer needed (they will get called back in when the panel have reached a decision).
I think I've been to about 3 or 4 & they're fine, you won't even be notified of the conclusion that they reach - at least I never have
And remember to claim a match fee plus travelling expenses! Some small compensation for the loss of time!
I was told that. The colleague who came with me from the local RA told then differently and I got fee and expenses.

Makes sense, why would you give up your time otherwise (and hour plus driving time)?